Java JSON schema-based validator
This is a simple wrapper around the justify and everit JSON schema validators, packaged as a standalone jar.
The following usage message is when run with no arguments:
At least one of -vj, -ve, -vs, -pj, -pe must be specified
usage: jjval [-vj][-ve] -s [schema] file...
-vj validate json with justify
-ve validate json with everit
-vx validate xml with standard jdk
-pj passthrough with justify (jakarta.json)
-pe passthrough with everit (org.json)
-nv don't show version
-s (schema) JSON schema for validation purposes
-d (dtd) DTD document for xml validation purposes
-q quiet mode - no validation output, run only for exit code
An example command line:
java -jar jjval.jar -vj -s schema.json file1.json file2.json file3.json
It can also validate xml files against a provided DTD.
java -jar jjval.jar -vx -d foo.dtd file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml