Please make sure to install
- Docker -
- Git -
Make sure to create a Docker ID if you don't have one already:
Clone this repository so that we can iterate on it later in the workshop:
git clone
Run the following command on you system:
docker version
The output of the command should look similar to this:
Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 18.09.2
API version: 1.39
Go version: go1.10.8
Git commit: 6247962
Built: Sun Feb 10 04:12:39 2019
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
Experimental: false
Server: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 18.09.2
API version: 1.39 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.10.6
Git commit: 6247962
Built: Sun Feb 10 04:13:06 2019
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: true
The important parts here are
for theClient
should be18.09.0
or higher Please update your Docker installation if you are on an older version.- Under
Server: Docker Engine - Community
make sure that theOS/Arch
. If you are seeingWindows
in there, please make sure to switch you Docker installation to run Linux:
Run the following command on you system:
docker-compose -v
The output of the command should look similar to this:
docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01
If you are running an older Version of Docker Compose or you are getting a command not found
, please follow the installation instructions for Docker Compose:
To save time and bandwidth throughout the workshop, I recommend that you download the container "images" that we will use beforehand. Don't worry if you don't know what an image is yet - we will go over that in the workshop. All you have to do is execute the following commands:
docker image pull ubuntu:18.04
docker image pull jfahrer/ruby:2.6.3-alpine3.10-ser
docker image pull redis:5.0
docker image pull postgres:10.6-alpine
The output will look similar to this:
2.6.3-alpine3.10-ser: Pulling from jfahrer/ruby
bdf0201b3a05: Pull complete
67a4a175230f: Pull complete
5b688ca58800: Pull complete
68bfb7317906: Pull complete
e95e2e8e402a: Pull complete
5e7827d9c7e8: Pull complete
4507d0429dd7: Pull complete
7cba2dc1349a: Pull complete
61e576b94017: Pull complete
951629f33eb5: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b1a4210e93b94e5a09a6e9c8f44c8f0a2aef03c520d6268faa20261c55d6d2b7
Status: Downloaded newer image for jfahrer/ruby:2.6.3-alpine3.10-ser
Throughout the workshop you will complete the following assignments:
- Assignment 1 - Hello World
- Assignment 2 - Your first image
- Assignment 3 - Running Rails
- Assignment 4 - Talking to a service
- Assignment 5 - Integrating Postgres
- Assignment 6 - Utilizing layers
- Assignment 7 - Glueing things together
- Assignment 8 - Iterating
- Assignment 9 - Debugging
- Assignment 9 - Integrating Sidekiq
- Assignment 11 - Installing Webpacker
- Assignment 12 - Keeping things running with Spring
- Assignment 13 - Scripts To Rule Them All
- Assignment 14 - A seamless experience
Check out the dockerized
branch and run script/setup
to start the application.
There are more topics that didn't quite fit into the workshop.
- Running the application as a different user
- Advanced caching mechanisms for gems and libraries
- Making use of environment variables to change the development environment
- Integration testing with Capybara/Cypress
- Utilizing CI/CD
- Preparing your image for production
- Deploying to Kubernetes And much more.
Sign up at and I'll shoot you an email as soon as the material is ready.
- Free resource with 11+ hours of video content teaching you everything I know about Docker and Containers.
- Free online resource teaching you how to dockerize a Rails app. It covers everything you learned in this workshop and more.
- The official Docker documentation
Nothing better than practicing your newly acquired skills. I suggest that you dockerize one of you applications or extend the demo app with some additional functionality. Here are some ideas:
- Paginate activities and todos
- Add a filter to display archived todos: There is currently no way to show archived todos
- Add a search engine: Use Elasticsearch, Solr, or another searchengine to make todos searchable
- Soft delete todos: We currently allow users to delete todos from the database
- Add a Sidekiq monitor ( Try to run the monitor in as its own Rack app in its own container
Special thanks to @hjhart and @palexvs for all their help with this workshop.