This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 23, 2024. It is now read-only.
- validateJSDoc: Deprecate rule (Joel Kemp)
- Updated google preset (Richard Poole)
- Add "requireSpaceBeforeBlockStatements" rule into the jquery preset (Oleg Gaidarenko)
- CLI: Support --esnext to Parse ES6. (Robert Jackson)
- CLI: Support a --max-errors option to limit the number of reported errors (mdevils)
- New Rules: (require|disallow)CapitalizedComments (Joel Kemp)
- New Rules: (require|disallow)SpacesInCallExpression (Mathieu Schroeter)
- New Rules: (disallow|require)FunctionDeclarations (Nikhil Benesch)
- New Rules: (require|disallow)PaddingNewLinesInObjects (Valentin Agachi)
- Implement "only" for parens rule (Oleg Gaidarenko)
- Simplify "allButNested" option for spaces rule (Oleg Gaidarenko)
- Implement "except" option for spaces rule (Oleg Gaidarenko)
- disallowMultipleVarDecl: Strict mode to disallow for statement exception (Joel Kemp)
- disallowSpaceBeforeObjectKeys: fix parenthesised property value (Jindrich Besta)
- requireSpaceBeforeObjectValues: fix parenthesised property value (Jindrich Besta)
- validateIndentation: Allow non-indented "break" in "switch" statement (kevin.destrem)
- ValidateIndentation: remove array and object indentation validation (Mike Sherov)
- validateIndentation: Allow the "if" test to be nested. (Jesper Birkestrøm)
- ValidateIndentation: Relax indentation rules for function expressions. (Mike Sherov)
- requireCurlyBraces: support the with statement (Joel Kemp)
- Fix invalid result of findXxxxToken methods when value is provided (Romain Guerin)
- requireSpaceAfterLineComment: skips msjsdoc comments (Alexej Yaroshevich)
- Docs: add a table of contents to README (Henry Zhu)
- Docs: Make version numbers real markdown headers (Alexander Artemenko)