Table of Contents
- This is a project called Desktop Assistant, developed by a small group of students of IIIT Dharwad.
- Made via Python based libraries & frameworks like Selenium, PyQt5 etc, this virtual assistant can engage in two-way conversations.
- Offers voice commands, voice searching and controlling desktop.
- It takes voice command and follows to automate them, just like a personal virtual assistant for Desktop.
- Currently developed only for Windows.
Majority of this project is made via Python, Selenium & other python based frameworks
Libraries used:
- pyttsx3 & speechrecognition (for speech output & input)
- pyautogui
- requests
- bs4
- pywikihow
- pywhatkit
- geopy & geocoder
- Python 3.10 or above.
- Chrome Webdriver (Download)
- Step:1 - Download
Clone/Download the repo in your local machine
- Step:2 - Run cmd
Open cmd/terminal in the downloaded directory
- Step:3 - Run the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Step:4 - Now run ""
- Some libraries may not be installed automatically via requirements.txt . So, install them manually.
- Installation of PyAudio may give error in some PC. Refer to this Youtube Video for solution.
- In case of other issues in installation, feel free to contact me or raise an issue.
It can perform most of the basic & heavy tasks on voice command like :
- Greet/welcome chatting
- Sending E-Mails
- Playing any music
- Opening websites on browser (As requested via Voice command)
- Performing google search
- Opening Desktop Apps
- voice typing
- Random QnA (fetches info from web)
- Weather report, Taking screenshots & many others regular tasks.
It can not only perform simple tasks like opening apps, websites, google search, showing weather, temperature, telling jokes, playing literally any song available on internet, taking screenshots and many more. But is also capable of doing extensive and complex tasks like Voice typing, fetching weather data via API, answering any question via search engine API and web scrapping, sending mails to anyone* , joining class meet automatically based on your schedule & time zone, creating a new meet, telling exact location based on user’s IP, automating web browsers and many more. And that’s all without even touching the computer, just by Voice commands.
- Add Documentation (Done)
- Add basic features (Done)
- Add advanced features (Done)
- Improve efficiency and speed (Done)
- Supports
- Windows
MIT License.
- Keshav Kumar Jha (20bcs070)
- Brij Vaghani (20bcs033)
- Lucky Yadav (20bcs077)
- Daulat Kumar Jha (20bcs037)
- Hemant (20bcs058)
- Rohan Singh (20bcs113)
- Sparsh Jain (20bcs127)
- Tejas Kedare (20bcs134)