CTP sdk version: v6.6.1_P1_20210406
windows 环境下: 编译时需要安装
- LLVM-14.0.6-win64.exe
- visual studio 2022 c++
运行 examples 里的 mdapi 或 tdapi 命令如下:
cargo run --example mdapi
cargo run --example tdapi
注意:由于 rust-bindgen 当前版本(0.60.1)有 bug,如果要重新生成 src/generated/mod.rs 文件,则产生的释构函数的 link 名称,需要用以下的来替换
??1Rust_CThostFtdcMdApi@@QEAA@XZ (public: __cdecl Rust_CThostFtdcMdApi::~Rust_CThostFtdcMdApi(void)):
??1Rust_CThostFtdcMdSpi@@QEAA@XZ (public: __cdecl Rust_CThostFtdcMdSpi::~Rust_CThostFtdcMdSpi(void)):
??1Rust_CThostFtdcTraderApi@@QEAA@XZ (public: __cdecl Rust_CThostFtdcTraderApi::~Rust_CThostFtdcTraderApi(void)):
??1Rust_CThostFtdcTraderSpi@@QEAA@XZ (public: __cdecl Rust_CThostFtdcTraderSpi::~Rust_CThostFtdcTraderSpi(void)):
linux 环境下: 编译时需要安装 llvm 和 clang:
特别说明:代码源自 https://github.com/SheldonNico/ctp-rs 的一个分支,但是我在 windows 环境下一直没有跑成功,所以另建一个名字来学习 ctp 及 rust。
and *.cpp
are generated by autobind.py
, then processed by rut_bindgen. Look at xtp-rs for detail.
Use at your own risk. The crate is unsafe, look at examples/tdapi.rs and examples/mdapi.rs for how to use it.
so files is not included, please put it like this:
$ tree shared
├── data_collect
│ ├── unix.x86_64
│ │ ├── libLinuxDataCollect.so -> LinuxDataCollect.so
│ │ └── LinuxDataCollect.so
│ ├── windows.x86
│ │ ├── WinDataCollect.dll
│ │ └── WinDataCollect.lib
│ └── windows.x86_x64
│ ├── WinDataCollect.dll
│ └── WinDataCollect.lib
├── include
│ ├── DataCollect.h
│ ├── ThostFtdcMdApi.h
│ ├── ThostFtdcTraderApi.h
│ ├── ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h
│ └── ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h
├── md
│ ├── unix.x86_64
│ │ ├── libthostmduserapi_se.so -> thostmduserapi_se.so
│ │ └── thostmduserapi_se.so
│ ├── windows.x86
│ │ ├── thostmduserapi_se.dll
│ │ └── thostmduserapi_se.lib
│ └── windows.x86_x64
│ ├── thostmduserapi_se.dll
│ └── thostmduserapi_se.lib
└── td
├── unix.x86_64
│ ├── libthosttraderapi_se.so -> thosttraderapi_se.so
│ └── thosttraderapi_se.so
├── windows.x86
│ ├── thosttraderapi_se.dll
│ └── thosttraderapi_se.lib
└── windows.x86_x64
├── thosttraderapi_se.dll
└── thosttraderapi_se.lib