Bug Fixes
Remove "Unreleased" title when version was not released (#351 )
Introduce --unreleased CLI option (#347 )
Introduce "--stdout" option to print the changelog (#340 )
Document --stdout option (#341 )
Dependency Upgrades
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#354 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#353 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#352 )
⬆️ Update dependency git-url-parse to v14 (#349 )
⬆️ Update dependency c8 to v9 (#350 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#348 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#346 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#344 )
Disable Renovates dependency dashboard (#342 )
⬆️ Update dependency @types/sinon to v17 (#331 )
⬆️ Update dependency ava to v6 (#338 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#339 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#337 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#336 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#335 )
⬆️ Update dependency @types/node to v20.9.0 (#333 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#334 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#332 )
⬆️ Lock file maintenance (#330 )
Check pull request labels (#343 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.