This respository serves as the basis for all content related to the hunt for COVID-19 censorship detection.
Each VPS that is used for gathering data is classified as a worker
To learn more, read worker/
For configuration management, Ansible is used in order to secure each host and deploy the latest software changes.
To learn more, read ansible/
This project utilizes pytest
for performing all code testing.
To run these tests, first install pytest
pip install pytest
Then run the tests:
- website_list.txt should contains all the website in given sample format.
- is wrapper script which takes multiple target websites from website_list.txt file.
- Next ToDo's:
0. update website_list.txt from fakewebsite.links + HB good website + add date field in mysql database in request table.
1. Add random function in worker forloop to send a website to different workers at random gap of 2 to 4 minutes. + Add same random function in wrapper script in target loop.
2. Now going to make HB1 as my C&C command center.
3. Test wrapper script on HB1.
4. Add VPSes in ansible host config file ( and test the wrapper script.
Sahil: Cron job instructions (
- Run a job every Sunday: 0 0 * * SUN Or, 0 0 * * 0 It will run at exactly at 00:00 on Sunday.