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This project follows the git-contributor spec, auto updated at Tue Aug 16 2022 20:38:17 GMT+0800
- Resources
- Tutorials
- Examples
- Clients
- Tools
- Drivers
- Video
- Articles
- Presentations
- Community
- Contributing
- Licence
- sample-nodejs - Macaca test sample for Node.js
- sample-java - Macaca test sample for Java
- sample-python - Macaca test sample for Python
- react-sample - Macaca test sample for browser React
- vue-sample - Macaca test sample for browser framework Vue.js
- web-app-bootstrap - All in one sample for popular web framework
- antd-sample - Ant Design sample for DataHub
- angular-datahub-sample - Angular's ng toolchain sample for DataHub
- android-datahub-sample - Android sample for DataHub
- ios-datahub-sample - iOS sample for DataHub
- macaca-java-biz-framework - A framework for uiautomation business development based on wd.java
- macaca-java-biz-sample - Sample for Macaca business development based on wd.java
- macaca-reporter-standalone-sample - Sample for Macaca reporter
- android-docker-ci-sample - Sample for Macaca docker ci
- cv-sample-python - Sample for Macaca CV Python
- macaca_ci_android_ios - Macaca iOS 和 Android 并行测试
- po-sample-python - 基于 PageObject 跨平台的设计模式
- macaca-wd - Node.js WebDriver Client for Macaca
- wd.java - Java client binding for Macaca
- wd.py - Python client binding for Macaca
- App-inspector - App-inspector is a mobile UI viewer in browser
- UI Recorder - UI Recorder is a UI test case recorder like Selenium IDE
- DataHub - Continuous data provider for development, testing, staging and production.
- datahub-proxy-middleware - DataHub proxy middleware for Express.js
- datahub-nodejs-sdk - DataHub Node.js SDK
- datahub-java-sdk - DataHub SDK for Android and Java applications
- datahub-ios-sdk - DataHub SDK for iOS
- egg-datahub - Egg.js plugin for Macaca DataHub
- umi-plugin-datahub - UmiJS plugin for Macaca DataHub
- Reliable - Release management suite with continuous delivery support for deployments
- web-coverage-sample - Coverage sample for Web
- android-coverage-sample Coverage sample for Android
- ios-coverage-sample Coverage sample for iOS
- NoSmoke - A cross platform UI crawler which scans view trees then generate and execute UI test cases.
- zhangzhao4444/Fastmonkey - 非插桩 iOS Monkey, 支持控件,每秒4-5 action事件
- baozhida/iosMonkey - 基于 Macaca 和 webdriveragent 模拟 monkey 的执行
- mengdegong/iosMonkey - iOS Monkey
- zalando/SwiftMonkey - A framework for doing randomised UI testing of iOS apps
- nodecv - Node.js binding to OpenCV
- nodecv-server - NodeCV server side
- Torchjs - Test framework to light up the world
- uitest - UI Test framework for Node.js based on Macaca
- f2etest - F2etest是一个多浏览器兼容性测试整体解决方案
- macaca-reporter - Macaca reporter is a reporter used for mocha and other frameworks
- macaca-reporter-jest - Macaca reporter used for jest
- macaca-reporter-java-plugin - Macaca Reporter Plugin For Java
- macaca-bot -
bot to resolve the issues and PR of Macaca
- macaca-adb - Node.js wrapper for ADB
- XCTestWD - A Swift implementation of WebDriver server for iOS that runs on Simulator/iOS devices
- ios-simulator - Node.js wrapper for iOS simulator
- UIAutomatorWD - Node.js wrapper for Android UIAutomator
- iosHookViewId - A solution for ios hook view id
- android-unicode - Android unicode UTF-7 input apk
- android-performance - Node.js wrapper to android performance with adb
- macaca-android - Macaca Android driver
- macaca-ios - Macaca iOS driver
- macaca-chrome - Macaca Chrome driver
- macaca-electron - Macaca Electron driver
- macaca-puppeteer - Macaca Puppeteer driver
- macaca-macos - Macaca MacOS driver
- macaca-playwright - Macaca Playwright driver
- Can you find XPath for mobile apps?
- Extract Xpath from App using Macaca Inspector
- Macaca inspector for Apple Mac - Automation Testing World!!
- Mobile and Web UI Testing with Macaca and OpenCV
- UI 自动化框架调研总结
- 基于 Node.js 的自动化持续集成
- 获取 Android 应用的性能
- 小马 Macaca 入门指引合集
- Macaca-Java 版入门指南
- Mac OSX 布署 Reliable
- Macaca 基础原理浅析
- 应用自动添加控件 ID 探索
- Strikingly 团队2017技术展望
- Macaca 测试用例单步调试
- 混合 H5 应用 UI 自动化入门
- Android 输入中文的实现
- MacOS 安装 Inspector 超详细教程
- 大前端测试的思考和在语雀的实践分享
Your contributions and suggestions are always welcome! 😃