The .bash_aliases can be downloaded as a stand-alone file or you could also use it with the .bash_extra file. The .bash_extra is used to add all those extra features that is required in your daily work. It is filled with goodies and you can comment in all the features you need.
- Aliases for Git (I know version control is not used by everybody - but it should).
- Navigation shortcuts - see the comments in file.
- System shortcuts - see the comment in file.
- Renew IP address - this releases the IP and get a new from the router
- An easy apps_upgrade function for upgrading all apps.
- An easy os_upgrade function for upgrading the distro.
- download_images_from_url function which simulate a browser download for grabbing all images on a website.
- extract_imageurls_from_file function if you have an HTML file and want to build a list of files.
- create_pdf function that takes all .jpg files in the current folder and merges them into one pdf file.
- More to come
- programspecific aliases - see comments in file.
- sassc function for compiling scss files.
- homestead function for quick alias Laravel Homestead
- More to come