What's Changed
- draft container build, infrastructure build and deploy jobs by @andrewpearce-digital in #1
- build api app container by @andrewpearce-digital in #2
- LPA-3300 Configure default VPC by @andrewpearce-digital in #3
- Lpa 3301 flowlogs and cloudtrail by @andrewpearce-digital in #4
- Lpa 3299 certificates by @andrewpearce-digital in #5
- create account level secrets for environments to use by @andrewpearce-digital in #6
- set up log group for app by @andrewpearce-digital in #7
- LPA-3319 - Build new ecs containers by @andrewpearce-digital in #10
- LPA-3317 - Build LPA environment by @andrewpearce-digital in #9
- add build environment to PTL for preprod and prod by @andrewpearce-digital in #11
- Build env ptl by @andrewpearce-digital in #12
- fix tfvars by @andrewpearce-digital in #14
- Cleanup by @andrewpearce-digital in #15
- Added lifecycle rule by @nsmithuk in #13
- LPA-3321 - Add certificate for production ALB by @TomTucka in #17
- Migrate cron jobs to ECS by @nsmithuk in #16
- Added HTTP -> HTTPS redirect by @nsmithuk in #18
- LPA-3324 - manage maintnance site and live URL by @andrewpearce-digital in #20
- LPA-3322 - change rds name to api2 for prod migration compatability by @andrewpearce-digital in #22
- update cpu and memory allocation to match old prod by @andrewpearce-digital in #23
- Update resources for main services by @nsmithuk in #19
- Test extended healthcheck by @nsmithuk in #25
- Bump PDF's CPU by @nsmithuk in #27
- Enable scheduled tasks by @andrewpearce-digital in #29
- Add root domain cert by @TomTucka in #31
- Redirect domain apex to www by @nsmithuk in #32
- LPA-3307-admin - Consolidate opg-lpa-admin repo into opg-lpa/service-admin path by @andrewpearce-digital in #34
- Async destroy by @andrewpearce-digital in #33
- Async destroy refactor by @andrewpearce-digital in #36
- Added docker-compose config for admin [ci skip] by @nsmithuk in #37
- LPA-3307-pdf Consolidate opg-lpa-pdf repo into opg-lpa/service-pdf by @andrewpearce-digital in #35
- LPA-3307-api Consolidate opg-lpa-api repo into opg-lpa/service-api path by @andrewpearce-digital in #38
- LPA-3307-front Consolidate opg-lpa-front repo to opg-lpa/service-front path by @andrewpearce-digital in #39
- Added API and PDF to docker-compose [ci skip] by @nsmithuk in #41
- Added Front to docker-compose by @nsmithuk in #42
- Added missing volume mount & set correct path by @nsmithuk in #43
- Docker Build Steps Update by @andrewpearce-digital in #40
- Lpa 3360 by @andrewpearce-digital in #45
- run prod healthcheck after prod apply by @andrewpearce-digital in #47
- Lpa 3320 prefer not to say bug by @GemTay in #49
- Lpa 3345 add unit tests to pipeline by @SeemaMenon in #44
- Track from 1st April 2019 by @nsmithuk in #51
- LPA-3385 changed the date for track date from 1 May to 1 April by @SeemaMenon in #52
- update roles for local terraform development [ci skip] by @andrewpearce-digital in #54
- Lpa 3310 email duplication error by @SeemaMenon in #48
- Fixed bug for home page display in admin service by @taylorsj1980 in #56
- upgrade terraform to 12.8 by @andrewpearce-digital in #59
- Fixed case sensitivity on admin email search by @GemTay in #57
- Remove commit variable from config by @nsmithuk in #46
- Lpa 3236 mobile view dashboard fix by @GemTay in #60
- LPA-3410 Create email inbox for functional testing by @andrewpearce-digital in #63
- Better slack messages by @andrewpearce-digital in #61
- move notification to after healthcheck tests by @andrewpearce-digital in #66
- Lpa 3401 add gds requested cross domain tracking by @cooperaj in #62
- Fix the production GA implementation by @cooperaj in #67
- LPA-3401 Forgot to include the built assets by @cooperaj in #68
- Use regex for production domain checking. by @cooperaj in #69
- Lpa 3276 stats by type and month by @SeemaMenon in #50
- Error page for if user has no account details set in front service by @GemTay in #70
- Created s3 bucket for email assets by @GemTay in #71
- Changed layout template for new email uri's by @GemTay in #72
- Lpa 3415 fix cookie consent properly by @cooperaj in #73
- Lpa 3449 track bug by @SeemaMenon in #74
- added ga param to redirect by @GemTay in #75
- Lpa 3435 make admin page accessible by @SeemaMenon in #78
- api app unit test failure by @andrewpearce-digital in #81
- add commit message and colour to slack messages by @andrewpearce-digital in #80
- Changed exception to logged messageand rearranged code so that nothin… by @GemTay in #83
- updated packages to fix vunerabilities by @GemTay in #84
- LPA-3302 Add Casper Testing to Pipeline by @SeemaMenon in #53
- LPA-3302 changed the URL to check for the prod domain by @SeemaMenon in #86
- Lpa 3361 lpa download link 500 error 2 by @GemTay in #64
- testing grunt package update by @GemTay in #87
- Updated content in cookie policy by @GemTay in #89
- Update secrets by @andrewpearce-digital in #77
- Seeding test data into environments by @andrewpearce-digital in #88
- Workspace Destroyer For LPA Development Environments by @andrewpearce-digital in #65
- provide instructions for using cloud9 to access databases by @andrewpearce-digital in #92
- Lpa 3576 by @andrewpearce-digital in #94
- Added a log to check all ids that will be sent to Sirius for status u… by @SeemaMenon in #91
- LPA-3572 change LPA reference number to online LPA ID by @LewisCummings in #93
- Lpa 3539 by @andrewpearce-digital in #95
- create an autoscaling role for ecs autoscaling by @andrewpearce-digital in #99
- add instructions for redeploying environments by @andrewpearce-digital in #97
- Add secret to terraform config for api by @cooperaj in #100
- .idea file baseline for Make LPA by @williamfalconeruk in #101
- Lpa 3597 bsi ingress by @andrewpearce-digital in #102
- Added a survey monkey url to home page by @SeemaMenon in #104
- fix arn for preproduction to point to dev gateway by @andrewpearce-digital in #105
- Lpa 3632 add new survey link on home and login page by @SeemaMenon in #106
- Adding guidance link to home page by @SeemaMenon in #107
- Use global.ga when sending pageviews from the help system by @hawx in #108
- LPA-3612 Test sql qry to run against LPA DB for requested stats_queries_test by @Raffers in #103
- content change to work timings by @SeemaMenon in #109
- LPA-3420 ECS Scaling on Demand for Make a LPA by @andrewpearce-digital in #96
- remove ingress rules from preproduction by @andrewpearce-digital in #110
- LPA-3709 Update content about longer lead times. by @williamfalconeruk in #111
- LPA-3711 Script naming of Terraform Workspace and Docker Image Tag by @andrewpearce-digital in #112
- Simplify certificates and URLs for LPA by @andrewpearce-digital in #113
- LP1 PDF Content updates for the how to sign and date instructions by @johnnolan in #114
- LPA-3729 remove survey from twigs by @williamfalconeruk in #115
- UML-3679 update from 14 to 30 day retention period, add skip final snapshot local control. by @williamfalconeruk in #116
- Set the provider version directly by @charlesmmarshall in #122
- LPA- 3743 Changed permission for gateway access by @SeemaMenon in #121
- Check that the product runs ok on Fargate platform version 1.4.0 by @andrewpearce-digital in #123
- Auto cancel builds by @charlesmmarshall in #126
- Lpa 3738 add seeded data for dev environments. by @williamfalconeruk in #124
- LPA: Check status return from sirius irrespective of what's status is stor… by @SeemaMenon in #125
- LPA 3527 secrets change by @charlesmmarshall in #128
- LPA-3752 accessibility page by @nickdavis2001 in #127
- LPA-3720 - add missing security headers to nginx by @charlesmmarshall in #129
- Lpa 3762 fix localstack compatibility issues by @williamfalconeruk in #131
- add admin user list to makefile - Take 2 by @williamfalconeruk in #136
- Lpa 3447 postgres upgrade by @charlesmmarshall in #134
- dynamically set tabindex -1 when details invisible. accessibility issue by @williamfalconeruk in #132
- dynamodb table for account level changes by @williamfalconeruk in #133
- LPA-3447 change postgres version on local by @charlesmmarshall in #137
- LPA-3447 try a neater approach to removing param groups by @charlesmmarshall in #139
- LPA-3447 increase pre-prod version by @charlesmmarshall in #140
- LPA-3447 join the param group back on by @charlesmmarshall in #141
- add pa11y tests to CircleCI build by @nickdavis2001 in #130
- Update remote docker version due to deprecation by @charlesmmarshall in #142
- Lpa 3764 async workspace removal by @williamfalconeruk in #138
- fix npm audit - remove vulnerabilities by @williamfalconeruk in #143
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 in /service-front by @dependabot in #144
- LPAL-3 make seeding more robust to db not being ready by @nickdavis2001 in #147
- Lpal 48 add docs by @williamfalconeruk in #146
- LPA-3447 and LPAL-15 PSQL Version to 10.13 by @williamfalconeruk in #149
- Accessibility fixes for multiple stories by @nickdavis2001 in #148
- Lpal 46 signed date checkerlabel by @Raffers in #151
- LPAL-2 - Popup details pages - must not have more than one banner landmark by @Raffers in #154
- add reference to docker hub credentials + cleanup by @williamfalconeruk in #153
- build pipeline improvements (docker credentials and circleci resource classes) by @williamfalconeruk in #155
- simplify running of the call api gateway script, align with UaL by @williamfalconeruk in #156
- bug fix - replace donor name with correspondent's first and last name by @nickdavis2001 in #152
- clarifications to cloud9 runbook based on use with devs by @williamfalconeruk in #158
- LPAL-18 workflow refactor and schedule for weekly deployment by @williamfalconeruk in #159
- Fix ttl on workspace cleanup (ACCOUNT LEVEL CHANGE) by @williamfalconeruk in #161
- Lpal 182 fix seeding issues by @williamfalconeruk in #160
- Fix ECR scan results (as per UML-1118) by @williamfalconeruk in #163
- npm audit fix for dependabot alert object-path by @williamfalconeruk in #164
- run functional tests locally, from Makefile by @nickdavis2001 in #165
- pin to specific composer version for now. by @williamfalconeruk in #167
- Lpal even more a11y by @nickdavis2001 in #150
- bugfix - pin composer version in docker-compose by @nickdavis2001 in #168
- Clean Make properly by @nickdavis2001 in #169
- LPAL-178 I want the LPA A-reference to be visible on the PDF to enable tracking fix by @Raffers in #170
- Makefile php docker compose optimizations by @williamfalconeruk in #171
- Update runbooks for docker container debug and restructure by @williamfalconeruk in #173
- new 5xx cloudwatch alarms with initial pagerduty integration by @williamfalconeruk in #162
- hashicorp upgraded docker image latest to 0.13.5. pinning by @williamfalconeruk in #174
- Makefile and build speed improvements by @nickdavis2001 in #178
- LPAL-186 upgrade environment terraform by @williamfalconeruk in #177
- Lpal 187 tf upgrade account by @williamfalconeruk in #180
- try out composer 2 latest by @nickdavis2001 in #181
- aws environment provider upgrade by @williamfalconeruk in #182
- Lpal 190 aws provider upgrade account by @williamfalconeruk in #183
- Lpal 185 aurora dev upgrade by @williamfalconeruk in #184
- LPAL-21 Zend to Laminas upgrade by @nickdavis2001 in #166
- additional init step for workspace cleanup by @williamfalconeruk in #187
- Add Cypress tests into build by @nickdavis2001 in #186
- cypress a11y proof of concept by @nickdavis2001 in #188
- Update stats scripts by @williamfalconeruk in #189
- LPAL-195 split tests into 2 jobs and redo dependancies by @williamfalconeruk in #190
- Cypress GUI by @nickdavis2001 in #191
- Dev improvements by @townxelliot in #193
- corrections to runbook for container diagnostics by @williamfalconeruk in #194
- Lpal 129 vuln fix for pdf container by @williamfalconeruk in #196
- minor improvements to ECR scan messages by @williamfalconeruk in #197
- LPAL-24 remove unwanted break, LPAL-181 new Returned status text, cypress cucumber POC by @nickdavis2001 in #192
- LPAL-13 - Cookie settings send user to home page by @Raffers in #195
- LPAL-206 Further functional test and local run improvements by @townxelliot in #200
- Lpal 193 dns account certs by @williamfalconeruk in #202
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 in /service-front by @dependabot in #204
- Lpal-216 upgrade terraform 0 14 by @williamfalconeruk in #206
- LPAL-218 - Amend waiting message to state allowance of 30 days by @Raffers in #207
- LPAL-12 extend LPA admin functionality with better user searches by @townxelliot in #201
- Lpal 193 Live url upgrades and environment migration to management account(DO NOT MERGE UNTIL READY) by @williamfalconeruk in #203
- LPAL-193 fix production after prod DNS change by @williamfalconeruk in #208
- allow overwrite of A record by @williamfalconeruk in #209
- LPAL-209 ECS seeding task improvements by @townxelliot in #213
- LPAL-226 Update alpine version for seeding container by @townxelliot in #214
- Mock X-Amzn-Trace-Id on requests and forward to *-web containers by @townxelliot in #205
- LPAL-227 Remove HEREDOC to jsonencode by @williamfalconeruk in #210
- package.json and lockfile changes - fix axios transitive dependancy by @williamfalconeruk in #216
- LPAL-31 and LPAL-32 trace id logging by @townxelliot in #215
- LPAL-23 - I want to see that relevant guidance on the LPA type page by @Raffers in #199
- LPAL-23 - I want to see that relevant guidance on the LPA type page by @Raffers in #219
- LPAL-267 Disables warnings from being displayed on health check endpoints by @Raffers in #224
- revert last nights breakglass change (depends on #219) by @williamfalconeruk in #223
- more Cypress steps/features to replace Casper by @nickdavis2001 in #198
- LPAL-207 simple text fix by @nickdavis2001 in #220
- LPAL-233 take out opg-lpa-logger by @nickdavis2001 in #222
- LPAL-133 and LPAL-172 add maintenance mode to lpa by @williamfalconeruk in #218
- LPAL-235: Use JSON log format for all nginx log entries by @townxelliot in #217
- LPAL-264 Cypress test for /ping by @townxelliot in #221
- Lpal 265 add ecs deploy runbook by @williamfalconeruk in #225
- LPAL-276 update lock files by @williamfalconeruk in #228
- LPAL-275 Cypress tests if broken should break build, LPAL-274 address a11y, part 1 of LPAL-270 Create PF LPA cypress tests by @nickdavis2001 in #226
- LPAL-20 - As a mobile device user I would like the appropriate keyboard to appear for numeric only fields by @Raffers in #157
- Reinstate logger for admin to fix admin side by @nickdavis2001 in #231
- LPAL-252 Ensure skip link correctly moves user over navigation bar by @townxelliot in #230
- LPAL-283 forced dependancy for socket.io by @williamfalconeruk in #233
- LPAL-250 and LPAL-246 - Heading tag changes & keyboard navigation changes by @Raffers in #229
- LPAL-281 add dependabot update configuration by @williamfalconeruk in #234
- LPAL-259 Link accessibility by @townxelliot in #227
- LPAL-281 fix failing dependabot references. by @williamfalconeruk in #241
- Cypress tests for Create LPA (PF and HW) by @nickdavis2001 in #242
- Bump laminas/laminas-mvc-console from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 in /service-api by @dependabot in #246
- LPAL-249 - Multiple H1 Headings When Viewing Guidance by @Raffers in #248
- Quieten down S3Monitor, updated README by @nickdavis2001 in #253
- composer lock update (service API) by @williamfalconeruk in #251
- composer lock update (Service PDF) by @williamfalconeruk in #252
- Dependabot php upgrades (Service Front) by @williamfalconeruk in #256
- Bump node from 11 to 15 in /tests/pa11y by @dependabot in #236
- Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.172.1 to 3.172.2 in /service-pdf by @dependabot in #257
- Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.112.2 to 3.172.2 in /tests by @dependabot in #255
- LPAL-247 Help system focus shifts to improve accessibility by @townxelliot in #254
- Dependabot php upgrades by @williamfalconeruk in #262
- LPAL-251 Make error messages consistent with design system guidelines by @townxelliot in #232
- Cypress createlpa PF and HW next few pages after donor page by @nickdavis2001 in #258
- LPAL-253 details element keyboard navigation fixes by @townxelliot in #266
- pin to previous version 3.12 alpine by @williamfalconeruk in #276
- LPAL-293: change frequency, number and spread load over week of dependabot. by @williamfalconeruk in #277
- LPAL-294 update lock files for composer by @williamfalconeruk in #278
- composer updates by @williamfalconeruk in #285
- PF and HW LPA cypress tests by @nickdavis2001 in #271
- LPAL-248 Radio button focus order by @townxelliot in #287
- LPAL-270 and LPAL-271 Create LPA casper to cypress by @nickdavis2001 in #288
- LPAL-300 remove terraform-maintenance as maint site is removed by @williamfalconeruk in #292
- LPAL-255 Fix email text overflow in help/guidance popup by @townxelliot in #293
- LPAL-304 tweaks to admin (sizes and desired tasks) by @williamfalconeruk in #295
- LPAL-256 Improve contrast by @townxelliot in #296
- LPAL-312 update composer lock versions by @williamfalconeruk in #307
- LPAL-315 migrate to OS Places Hub API by @williamfalconeruk in #309
- Lpal 315 migrate os api by @williamfalconeruk in #314
- Lpal 315 remove old OS API secret from infra by @williamfalconeruk in #315
- dependabot weekly update by @williamfalconeruk in #316
- LPAL-284 - Cypress tests intermittently fail due to CSRF Mismatch/Session by @Raffers in #297
- LPAL-245 Session timeout focus by @townxelliot in #286
- weekly dependabot rollup package updates by @williamfalconeruk in #326
- Bump cypress/included from 6.3.0 to 6.5.0 in /cypress by @dependabot in #308
- LPAL-309 - Checkbox Fieldset associated error by @Raffers in #317
- Bump cypress/included from 6.5.0 to 6.6.0 in /cypress by @dependabot in #329
- LPAL-131 add PDF message queue cloudwatch alarm for available items by @williamfalconeruk in #328
- Cypress tests for PR and HW LPA part 5 by @nickdavis2001 in #294
- pin versions of ECS fargate to 1.3.0 by @williamfalconeruk in #331
- LPAL-324 - Accessibility statement to be updated with new date of completion by @Raffers in #333
- weekly dependabot updates 08-03-2021 by @williamfalconeruk in #339
- LPAL-317 Show error in page title / LPAL-278 Replace cypress-axe by @townxelliot in #318
- LPAL-326-tidy-tagging by @williamfalconeruk in #340
- Lpal 326 tidy tagging V2 by @williamfalconeruk in #343
- LPAL-328 - Accessibility statement - amendment to created/updated section needed by @Raffers in #342
- LPAL-254 Improve error summary focusing by @townxelliot in #341
- Lpal 77 create slack alert breakglass (Dev) by @williamfalconeruk in #349
- LPAL-77-fix-alarm-settings by @williamfalconeruk in #350
- weekly update of packages by @williamfalconeruk in #360
- Extra logging for CSRF problem and turn off sleep by @nickdavis2001 in #361
- LPAL-77 rework some cloudwatch alarms in environment. by @williamfalconeruk in #351
- LPAL-310 - Review/Change error messages so they are more meaningful & clear. by @Raffers in #348
- disable CSRF alarm. by @williamfalconeruk in #363
- Python api test fixtures and stitched feature files by @nickdavis2001 in #332
- LPAL-311 - Re-order the display of error messages, to above the input element, but below any labels. by @Raffers in #327
- LPAL-316 Fix page heading levels to improve accessibility by @townxelliot in #364
- weekly dependabot updates by @williamfalconeruk in #373
- LPAL-244 remove old unused files by @nickdavis2001 in #374
- LPAL-339 dependabot action for weekly updates by @williamfalconeruk in #382
- Npm cypress make runner added by @williamfalconeruk in #387
- LPAL-257 Remove redundant variable and make page headings + titles consistent by @townxelliot in #375
- LPAL-241 Correctly position legend on cookies page by @townxelliot in #388
- Bump cypress/included from 6.6.0 to 6.8.0 in /cypress by @dependabot in #365
- Lpal 337 more splitting and stitching of feature files by @nickdavis2001 in #391
- Lpal 314 dev scale down ooh by @williamfalconeruk in #393
- Lpal 314 dev scale down ooh - fix autoscale concurrency issue by @williamfalconeruk in #395
- LPAL-232 Title lost dropdown by @townxelliot in #392
- LPAL-242 Form field fixes by @townxelliot in #390
- LPAL-342 - 1. Add images to FE list. by @williamfalconeruk in #400
- npm seems to fail with arch error by @williamfalconeruk in #396
- LPAL-342 point urls and remove s3 bucket by @williamfalconeruk in #401
- LPAL-262 Modify nginx config to deliver /favicon.ico path by @townxelliot in #399
- Urgent rework autoscale to prevent object not found errors by @williamfalconeruk in #405
- Weekly dependabot update 05-04-2021 by @github-actions in #407
- Lpal 125 reconfigure application logs + minor additional tagging and cleanup. by @williamfalconeruk in #404
- Weekly dependabot update 12-04-2021 by @github-actions in #411
- LPAL-267 Prevent ini_set errors from /ping/json endpoint by @townxelliot in #406
- LPAL-286 PHP 8 upgrade prep by @townxelliot in #403
- LPAL-347 add infra approval gates where destructive changes detected by @williamfalconeruk in #410
- hashicorp changed terraform docker latest to 0.15, breaking the build by @williamfalconeruk in #415
- Terraform 0 14 docker pin by @williamfalconeruk in #416
- LPAL-349 Prepare service-api for upgrade to PHP 8 by @townxelliot in #413
- LPAL-352 upgrade slack orb for circleci by @williamfalconeruk in #414
- Weekly dependabot update 19-04-2021 by @github-actions in #418
- Upgrade slack notify orb -attempt 2 by @williamfalconeruk in #419
- Upgrade slack notify orb 2.1 test by @williamfalconeruk in #420
- LPAL-346 prevent repetition of a11y checks by @nickdavis2001 in #422
- LPAL-210 Cancel buttons on your details pages by @townxelliot in #417
- LPAL-357 Remove Guidance.feature scenarios which regularly fail by @townxelliot in #424
- Lpal 352 attempt3 of slack orb by @williamfalconeruk in #426
- Lpal 352 sanitize commit message for new slack orb by @williamfalconeruk in #429
- issues with squashed merge commit message by @williamfalconeruk in #430
- Weekly dependabot update 26-04-2021 by @github-actions in #431
- LPAL-27 Tighten cookie security for admin UI by @townxelliot in #427
- LPAL-346 remove even more dup a11y checks by @nickdavis2001 in #425
- LPAL-356 Sirius mock and groundwork to support different return dates by @townxelliot in #428
- LPAL-350 Upgrade to Cypress ^7.2.0 by @townxelliot in #435
- LPAL-336 Adds Elasticache as an account level resource by @Raffers in #437
- Cypress Correspondent, Summary by @nickdavis2001 in #402
- recreate elasticache with a name relating to component by @williamfalconeruk in #439
New Contributors
- @andrewpearce-digital made their first contribution in #1
- @nsmithuk made their first contribution in #13
- @TomTucka made their first contribution in #17
- @GemTay made their first contribution in #49
- @SeemaMenon made their first contribution in #44
- @taylorsj1980 made their first contribution in #56
- @cooperaj made their first contribution in #62
- @LewisCummings made their first contribution in #93
- @williamfalconeruk made their first contribution in #101
- @hawx made their first contribution in #108
- @Raffers made their first contribution in #103
- @johnnolan made their first contribution in #114
- @charlesmmarshall made their first contribution in #122
- @nickdavis2001 made their first contribution in #127
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #144
- @townxelliot made their first contribution in #193
- @renovate made their first contribution in #1357
- @Gugandeep made their first contribution in #1465
- @mattmachell made their first contribution in #1565
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ministryofjustice/opg-lpa/commits/v0.2.0