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On Controls

respinos edited this page May 12, 2017 · 3 revisions


The built-in controls hang off the global cozy.control structure.

To let cozy-sun-bear manage the creation and placement of controls, you need to pass a region, e.g. cozy.control.title({ region: 'top.header.left' }) (see the layout page).

The "typical" pattern is to create the control and add it to the reader, e.g.

cozy.control.title({ region: 'top.header.left' }).addTo(reader);

Book Metadata

  • cozy.control.title

    Displays the book's dc:title, and when appropriate, the section title.
    Default template: <h1><span class="cozy-title"></span><span class="cozy-section"></span></h1>

  • cozy.control.publicationMetadata

    Displays the book's dc:publisher and dc:rights content.
    Default template: <div><div class="cozy-publisher"></div><div class="cozy-rights"></div></div>


  • cozy.control.contents

    Builds a toggle button to present the table of contents as clickable links.

  • cozy.control.preferences

    Builds a modal(ish) dialog for the user to select how to present the book (reflowable vs. scrolled-doc).


The specific pagination controls are subclasses of a general "paging" control.

  • cozy.control.pageFirst

  • cozy.control.pagePrevious

  • cozy.control.pageNext

  • cozy.control.pageLast

    Finding the last page in an EPUB requires loading all the chapters to calculate a final fragment identifier; the first time you navigate to the last time is a pause.


Add custom behavior/functionality to the reader, e.g.

  • cozy.control.widget.panel
    region: 'top.toolbar.left',
    template: `<div class="permalink-label"><span class="u-screenreader">Permalink</span><form><input data-slot="title" type="text" id="permalink" value="" readonly="readonly" onclick="; document.execCommand('copy');"></form></div>`,
    data: { title: "" }

Creates a basic panel. Takes a region, template, and (optionally) a data object. Elements in the template can be tagged with the data-slot attribute which refer to a property in the data object. In the above example, the data-slot="title" in the <input> will be filled with the data.title value ("").

  • cozy.control.widget.button
  region: 'top.toolbar.left', 
  data: { label: 'ALERT' },
  onClick: function() { alert("Hey."); }

Creates an interactive button, with the default template <button data-toggle="button" data-slot="label"></button>. Accepts on onClick handler which is invoked when the reader clicks the button.

  • cozy.control.widget.toggle

The toggle widget can have multiple states, which you can switch between if you supply onclick handlers:

    region: 'top.header.left',
    states: [{
      stateName: 'back-to-metadata',
      icon: null,
      className: 'chooser-metadata',
      title: 'Metadata',
      onClick: function(btn, reader) {
        console.log("AHOY CLICK", btn);
        alert("Take you back to the metadata page!");
        stateName: 'back-to-results',
        icon: null,
        className: 'chooser-metadata',
        title: 'Results',
        onClick: function(btn, reader) {
            alert("Take you back to the search results!");

(Currently the toggle widget doesn't have a concrete use case.)

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