#507 Resque workers [BUG]
#1126 Scrollwheel GA event tracking for leaflet zoom not working [BUG]
#1137 Determine IE support for EPUBs
#1261 Investigate accessible PDFs
#1302 Scroll wheels for zoom in/out and accessibility
#1330 accessibility contrast issues
#1358 Hyrax2 post deployment
#1363 Full-text search improvements in E-Book Reader [EPIC]
#1382 Improve keyboard control experience for panning images
#1383 Allow child publisher to inherit parent publisher theme
#1384 Modify breadcrumbs for child publisher's views
#1386 Penn State banner messed up [BUG]
#1387 Allow publisher to have parent publisher
#1390 Develop branding and style guide for Gabii
#1401 Embed view's Able Player play btn missing in Safari
#1404 Samvera Community Update for November/December 2017
#1406 Logging out can produce 500 error [BUG]
#1408 Can’t find user “system” in production [BUG]
#1416 Hyrax-defined 'sidebar' class causes responsiveness issues [BUG]
#1424 EPub CFI calculations are off sometimes [BUG]
#1434 Video preload attribute issues
#1439 Able Player button not centered in mobile WebKit browsers