These are my personal dotfiles and they're designed to work on both OSX and Linux. This contains my custom VIM setup that actually works on Windows as well.
- tmux
- vim
- ack
- a few simple tools I use including Git completion
I don't recommend that you clone this repo and use it. It's fine to go through and look at my settings though.
- Homebrew for OSX
- git
- vim
- tmux
- ctags
- On OSX, you'll need the app
in order to have good tmux support. - A folder in your home called ~/tmp/backup
I set this up by cloning the entire thing to ~/Dropbox/dotfiles. I don't sync them across machines with Git - I just use Dropbox, and use Git to version and share them.
$ git clone ~/Dropbox/dotfiles
$ brew install git
$ brew install vim
$ brew install tmux
$ brew install ctags
$ brew install direnv
$ brew install ack
$ brew install ranger
$ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
Then create a folder for the Vim backup folder:
$ mkdir -p ~/tmp/backup
Then create symlinks (soft links) to the files in the ~/Dropbox/dotfiles
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.bash_osx ~/.bash_osx
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.vim ~/.vim
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.slate ~/.slate
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.slate.js ~/.slate.js
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.gemrc ~/.gemrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.irbrc ~/.irbrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.git_completion.bash ~/.git_completion.bash
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.tmux.osx.clipboard ~/.tmux.osx.clipboard
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.tmux.linux.clipboard ~/.tmux.linux.clipboard
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.ackrc ~/.ackrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.inputrc ~/.inputrc
ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.config ~/.config
I also create a bin/
folder and symlink the files in bin/ in there.
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ ln -nfs ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bin/battery ~/bin/battery
Once that's all set I use Vundle to install the vim plugins. I made an alias to keep this updated.
$ update_vim
To get completion with CoC working, install Node.js and Yarn.
Then compile CoC:
cd ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/.vim/bundle/coc.nvim
yarn install
Then open vim and install plugns
:cocinstall coc-html coc-css coc-go coc-tsserver
Again, I don't recommend that you clone this and use it. It's not really designed for that.
opens and closes the tree- press
to open the file - press
to open the file in a split - press
when on a node to get themenu
to add, delete, rename files.
- press
opens the search window. Type part of the filename to locate it.- Press
to go up and down the list
- Press
comments out selected text,cu
uncomments selected text
Ctrl-x /
in insert mode closes the open tag. Press again to close outer tag.
switches between the two most recent filesF2
toggles paste-mode insert. Turn this on if you want to paste from your terminal to preserve formatting. Turn it off when done.,sp
toggles spell check on and off.,g
will attempt to launch the program for the current filejj
in INSERT mode will exit INSERT mode and save the fileii
in INSERT mode exits INSERT mode