Provides accessors to single-value PHP Attributes.
composer require nayleen/attribute
For ease of use the library provides two identical ways of accessing attribute values:
namespace Nayleen\Attribute;
// function
get(string|object $class, string $attribute, mixed $default = null): mixed;
// public static method
AttributeValueGetter::get(string|object $class, string $attribute, mixed $default = null): mixed;
Works on both instances and class names:
use function Nayleen\Attribute\get;
class SomeAttribute
public function __construct(private string $value) {}
class MyClass {}
$value = get(MyClass::class, 'SomeAttribute'); // "foo"
$value = get(new MyClass(), 'SomeAttribute'); // "foo"
Throws a MissingAttributeException
if the attribute is not set:
get(MyClass::class, 'UnknownAttribute');
// uncaught Nayleen\Attribute\Exception\MissingAttributeException
Unless you provide a default value as a third argument:
get(MyClass::class, 'UnknownAttribute', 'foo'); // "foo"
get(MyClass::class, 'UnknownAttribute', 'bar'); // "bar"
get(MyClass::class, 'UnknownAttribute', 'baz'); // "baz"
For heavy lifting or lazy evaluation, a default value can be a callable
get(MyClass::class, 'UnknownAttribute', fn () => 'bar'); // "bar"
If the attribute is repeatable, it'll return an array of that attribute's values:
use function Nayleen\Attribute\get;
final class RepeatableAttribute
public function __construct(private string $value) {}
class MyClass {}
$value = get(MyClass::class, 'RepeatableAttribute'); // ["foo", "bar"]