This API thrives to be the best Discord API written in Java with features no other API has, such as account management, and VOIP (WIP).
Download with maven
- Kicking and banning (API exclusive)
- Profile settings/account settings (API exclusive)
- Message building
- Online statuses (This includes your own status! API exclusive)
- Avatars + Roles
- DMs
- Group messaging
- User talk (edited) event
- User join/banned/kicked events
- Invite joining
- Much more...
- Message history (nearly done)
- Game status
- VOIP (Java and C# Host) (currently experimental)
- AddedToServer (AddedToGuildEvent)
- APILoadedEvent (You might get NPEs if you don't wait for this)
- ChannelCreatedEvent (group/channel)
- ChannelDeletedEvent (group/channel)
- ChannelUpdatedEvent (group/channel)
- UserBannedEvent
- UserChatEvent
- UserJoinedEvent
- UserKickedEvent
- UserTypingEvent
- UserOnlineStatusChangedEvent
- UserDeletedMessageEvent
- MentionEvent (1.3)
In order to create the DiscordAPI instance, you'll need to use the DiscordBuilder class.
DiscordAPI api = new DiscordBuilder("email", "pass").build().login();
DiscordAPI api = new DiscordBuilder("email", "pass").build();
In order to listen for an event, create a class that implements EventListener, and register it by calling api.getEventManager().registerListener(new YourListener(api));
. All events can be found in the
package as well as the Events section.
public class ExampleListener implements EventListener {
DiscordAPI api;
public ExampleListener(DiscordAPI api){
this.api = api;
public void userChat(UserChatEvent e){
if (e.getMsg().getMessage().equals("#ping")){
e.getGroup().sendMessage(new MessageBuilder()
.addString("Yes, ")
.addUserTag(e.getGroupUser(), e.getGroup())
System.out.println((e.getMsg().isEdited() ? "# " : "") + "[" + e.getGroup().getName() + "] " + e.getGroupUser() + " > " + e.getMsg().getMessage());
public void typing(UserTypingEvent e){
System.out.println(e.getGroupUser() + " is typing in " + e.getGroup());
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DiscordAPI api = new DiscordAPI("email", "pass").login();
api.getEventManager().registerListener(new ExampleListener(api)); //Register listener