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danielturek committed Feb 5, 2024
2 parents 2679d2f + 2f499a7 commit 12fcc02
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Showing 4 changed files with 131 additions and 35 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions make_package.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ suppressMessages(try(remove.packages('nimbleHMC'), silent = TRUE))
(tarFiles <- grep('\\.tar\\.gz', list.files(), value = TRUE))
(lastTarFile <- tarFiles[length(tarFiles)])
message('installing package version ', gsub('\\.tar\\.gz$', '', lastTarFile))
##system(paste0('R CMD install ', lastTarFile))
system(paste0('R CMD install ', lastTarFile))



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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion nimbleHMC/DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE | GPL (>= 2)
Copyright: See COPYRIGHTS file.
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: false
RoxygenNote: 7.3.0
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
77 changes: 56 additions & 21 deletions nimbleHMC/R/HMC_samplers.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,18 +122,55 @@ sampler_langevin <- nimbleFunction(

hmc_checkWarmup <- function(warmupMode, warmup, samplerName) {
if(!(warmupMode %in% c('default', 'burnin', 'fraction', 'iterations'))) stop('`warmupMode` control argument of ', samplerName, ' sampler must have value "default", "burnin", "fraction", or "iterations". The value provided was: ', warmupMode, '.', call. = FALSE)

hmc_checkTarget <- function(model, targetNodes, hmcType) {
## checks for:
## - target with discrete or truncated distribution
## - dependencies with truncated, dinterval, or dconstraint distribution
calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(targetNodes, stochOnly = TRUE)
stop(paste0(hmcType, ' sampler cannot operate on discrete-valued nodes: ', paste0(targetNodes[model$isDiscrete(targetNodes)], collapse = ', ')))
stop(paste0(hmcType, ' sampler cannot operate on nodes with truncated prior distributions: ', paste0(targetNodes[model$isTruncated(targetNodes)], collapse = ', ')))
stop(paste0(hmcType, ' sampler cannot operate since these dependent nodes have truncated distributions, which do not support AD calculations: ', paste0(calcNodes[model$isTruncated(calcNodes)], collapse = ', ')))
if(any(model$getDistribution(calcNodes) == 'dinterval'))
stop(paste0(hmcType, ' sampler cannot operate since these dependent nodes have dinterval distributions, which do not support AD calculations: ', paste0(calcNodes[which(model$getDistribution(calcNodes) == 'dinterval')], collapse = ', ')))
if(any(model$getDistribution(calcNodes) == 'dconstraint'))
stop(paste0(hmcType, ' sampler cannot operate since these dependent nodes have dconstraint distributions, which do not support AD calculations: ', paste0(calcNodes[which(model$getDistribution(calcNodes) == 'dconstraint')], collapse = ', ')))
## next, check for:
## - target with user-defined distribution (without AD support)
dists <- model$getDistribution(targetNodes)
ADok <- rep(TRUE, length(dists))
for(i in seq_along(dists)) {
## these distributions get re-named to a nimble-version, and won't be found:
if(dists[i] %in% c('dweib', 'dmnorm', 'dmvt', 'dwish', 'dinvwish')) next
## find the function or this distribution:
nfObj <- get(dists[i], envir = parent.frame(4)) ## this took a bit of an investigation to make work
## is a user-defined distribution:
if(!is.null(environment(nfObj)$nfMethodRCobject)) {
## check for AD support:
ADok[i] <- !isFALSE(environment(nfObj)$nfMethodRCobject[['buildDerivs']])
stop(paste0(hmcType, ' sampler cannot operate on user-defined distributions which do not support AD calculations. Try using buildDerivs = TRUE in the definition the distributions: ', paste0(dists[!ADok], collapse = ', ')))

hmc_checkWarmup <- function(warmupMode, warmup, hmcType) {
if(!(warmupMode %in% c('default', 'burnin', 'fraction', 'iterations'))) stop('`warmupMode` control argument of ', hmcType, ' sampler must have value "default", "burnin", "fraction", or "iterations". The value provided was: ', warmupMode, '.', call. = FALSE)
if(warmupMode == 'fraction')
if(!is.numeric(warmup) | warmup < 0 | warmup > 1) stop('When the `warmupMode` control argument of ', samplerName, ' sampler is "fraction", the `warmup` control argument must be a number between 0 and 1, which will specify the fraction of the total MCMC iterations to use as warmup. The value provided for the `warmup` control argument was: ', warmup, '.', call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(warmup) | warmup < 0 | warmup > 1) stop('When the `warmupMode` control argument of ', hmcType, ' sampler is "fraction", the `warmup` control argument must be a number between 0 and 1, which will specify the fraction of the total MCMC iterations to use as warmup. The value provided for the `warmup` control argument was: ', warmup, '.', call. = FALSE)
if(warmupMode == 'iterations')
if(!is.numeric(warmup) | warmup < 0 | floor(warmup) != warmup) stop('When the `warmupMode` control argument of ', samplerName, ' sampler is "iterations", the `warmup` control argument must be a non-negative integer, which will specify the number MCMC iterations to use as warmup. The value provided for the `warmup` control argument was: ', warmup, '.', call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(warmup) | warmup < 0 | floor(warmup) != warmup) stop('When the `warmupMode` control argument of ', hmcType, ' sampler is "iterations", the `warmup` control argument must be a non-negative integer, which will specify the number MCMC iterations to use as warmup. The value provided for the `warmup` control argument was: ', warmup, '.', call. = FALSE)

hmc_setWarmup <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(warmupMode, warmup, messages, samplerName, targetNodesToPrint) {},
setup = function(warmupMode, warmup, messages, hmcType, targetNodesToPrint) {},
run = function(MCMCniter = double(), MCMCnburnin = double(), adaptive = logical()) {
## set nwarmup
Expand All @@ -148,29 +185,29 @@ hmc_setWarmup <- nimbleFunction(
## informative message
if(messages) {
if(!adaptive) { ## adaptive = FALSE
print(' [Note] ', samplerName, ' sampler (nodes: ', targetNodesToPrint, ') has adaptation turned off,\n so no warmup period will be used.')
print(' [Note] ', hmcType, ' sampler (nodes: ', targetNodesToPrint, ') has adaptation turned off,\n so no warmup period will be used.')
} else { ## adaptive = TRUE
if(warmupMode == 'default') {
if(MCMCnburnin > 0) print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'default' and `nburnin` > 0,\n the number of warmup iterations is equal to `nburnin`.\n The burnin samples will be discarded, and all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
else print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'default' and `nburnin` = 0,\n the number of warmup iterations is equal to `niter/2`.\n No samples will be discarded, so the first half of the samples returned\n are from the warmup period, and the second half of the samples are post-warmup.")
if(MCMCnburnin > 0) print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'default' and `nburnin` > 0,\n the number of warmup iterations is equal to `nburnin`.\n The burnin samples will be discarded, and all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
else print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'default' and `nburnin` = 0,\n the number of warmup iterations is equal to `niter/2`.\n No samples will be discarded, so the first half of the samples returned\n are from the warmup period, and the second half of the samples are post-warmup.")
if(warmupMode == 'burnin')
if(MCMCnburnin > 0) print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'burnin', the number of warmup iterations is equal to `nburnin`.\n The burnin samples will be discarded, and all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
if(MCMCnburnin > 0) print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'burnin', the number of warmup iterations is equal to `nburnin`.\n The burnin samples will be discarded, and all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using 0 warmup iterations.\n No adaptation is being done, apart from initialization of epsilon\n (if `initializeEpsilon` is TRUE).")
print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using 0 warmup iterations.\n No adaptation is being done, apart from initialization of epsilon\n (if `initializeEpsilon` is TRUE).")
if(warmupMode == 'fraction') {
if(MCMCnburnin < nwarmup) print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'fraction', the number of warmup iterations is equal to\n `niter*fraction`, where `fraction` is the value of the `warmup` control argument.\n Because `nburnin` is less than the number of warmup iterations,\n some of the samples returned will be collected during the warmup period,\n and the remainder of the samples returned will be post-warmup.")
else print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'fraction', the number of warmup iterations is equal to\n `niter*fraction`, where `fraction` is the value of the warmup `control` argument.\n Because `nburnin` exceeds the number of warmup iterations,\n all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
if(MCMCnburnin < nwarmup) print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'fraction', the number of warmup iterations is equal to\n `niter*fraction`, where `fraction` is the value of the `warmup` control argument.\n Because `nburnin` is less than the number of warmup iterations,\n some of the samples returned will be collected during the warmup period,\n and the remainder of the samples returned will be post-warmup.")
else print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'fraction', the number of warmup iterations is equal to\n `niter*fraction`, where `fraction` is the value of the warmup `control` argument.\n Because `nburnin` exceeds the number of warmup iterations,\n all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
if(warmupMode == 'iterations')
if(MCMCnburnin < nwarmup) print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'iterations', the number of warmup iterations\n is the value of the `warmup` control argument.\n Because `nburnin` is less than the number of warmup iterations,\n some of the samples returned will be collected during the warmup period,\n and the remainder of the samples returned will be post-warmup.")
else print(" [Note] ", samplerName, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'iterations', the number of warmup iterations\n is the value of the `warmup` control argument.\n Because `nburnin` exceeds the number of warmup iterations,\n all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
if(MCMCnburnin < nwarmup) print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'iterations', the number of warmup iterations\n is the value of the `warmup` control argument.\n Because `nburnin` is less than the number of warmup iterations,\n some of the samples returned will be collected during the warmup period,\n and the remainder of the samples returned will be post-warmup.")
else print(" [Note] ", hmcType, " sampler (nodes: ", targetNodesToPrint, ") is using ", nwarmup, " warmup iterations.\n Since `warmupMode` is 'iterations', the number of warmup iterations\n is the value of the `warmup` control argument.\n Because `nburnin` exceeds the number of warmup iterations,\n all samples returned will be post-warmup.")
## hard check that nwarmup >= 20
if(adaptive & nwarmup > 0 & nwarmup < 20) {
print(' [Error] ', samplerName, ' sampler (nodes: ', targetNodesToPrint, ') requires a minimum of 20 warmup iterations.')
print(' [Error] ', hmcType, ' sampler (nodes: ', targetNodesToPrint, ') requires a minimum of 20 warmup iterations.')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,8 +327,8 @@ sampler_NUTS_classic <- nimbleFunction(
targetNodesToPrint <- paste(targetNodes, collapse = ', ')
if(nchar(targetNodesToPrint) > 100) targetNodesToPrint <- paste0(substr(targetNodesToPrint, 1, 97), '...')
calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(targetNodes)
## check for discrete nodes (early, before parameterTransform is specialized)
if(any(model$isDiscrete(targetNodesAsScalars))) stop(paste0('NUTS_classic sampler cannot operate on discrete-valued nodes: ', paste0(targetNodesAsScalars[model$isDiscrete(targetNodesAsScalars)], collapse = ', ')))
## check validity of target and dependent nodes (early, before parameterTransform is specialized)
hmc_checkTarget(model, targetNodes, 'NUTS_classic')
## processing of bounds and transformations
my_parameterTransform <- parameterTransform(model, targetNodesAsScalars)
d <- my_parameterTransform$getTransformedLength()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,10 +794,8 @@ sampler_NUTS <- nimbleFunction(
targetNodesToPrint <- paste(targetNodes, collapse = ', ')
if(nchar(targetNodesToPrint) > 100) targetNodesToPrint <- paste0(substr(targetNodesToPrint, 1, 97), '...')
calcNodes <- model$getDependencies(targetNodes)
## check for discrete nodes (early, before parameterTransform is specialized)
stop(paste0('NUTS sampler cannot operate on discrete-valued nodes: ',
paste0(targetNodesAsScalars[model$isDiscrete(targetNodesAsScalars)], collapse = ', ')))
## check validity of target and dependent nodes (early, before parameterTransform is specialized)
hmc_checkTarget(model, targetNodes, 'NUTS')
## processing of bounds and transformations
my_parameterTransform <- parameterTransform(model, targetNodesAsScalars)
d <- my_parameterTransform$getTransformedLength()
Expand Down

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