This repository contains data and analysis scripts for the analyses reported in Medimorec, S., Milin, P., & Divjak, D. (in press). Working memory affects anticipatory behavior during implicit pattern learning. Psychological Research.
Availability of data
The data set supporting the conclusions of this article is available at
Data key
The data set contains the following columns:
BLOCK: Blocks 1-4 are Learning Blocks, Block 5 is an Interfeing Block, and Block 6 is a Recovery Block.
CORRECT_ANTICIPATIONS: Indicates whether the participants' anicipations were correct (1) or incorrect (0).
ANTICIPATIONS: Indicates either a presence (1) or absence (0) of anticipatory eye movements across all trials.
WMC: A composite working memory capacity score.
AGE: Participants' ages in years.
EDUCATION: Education levels are coded as 1 = GSCE, College or Sixth Form or Some University, 2 = University (BA, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD).
GENDER: Coded as 1 = Female, 2 = Male.
FLUENCY: The number of words produced in the phonemic fluency test.
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