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cat 1: bug
cat 1: bug
Something isn't working
cat 2: duplicate
cat 2: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
cat 3: enhancement
cat 3: enhancement
New feature or request
cat 4: update
cat 4: update
This issue or pr requests an update
cat 5: invalid
cat 5: invalid
This doesn't seem right
cat 6: question
cat 6: question
Further information is requested
cat 7: discussion
cat 7: discussion
Open for a discussion
cat 8: new feature
cat 8: new feature
New feature or request
cat 9: fix
cat 9: fix
This pr contains a fix
flag 1: release
flag 1: release
A new release is planned with this request
flag 2: unable to fix
flag 2: unable to fix
A fix cant be found
flag 3: working
flag 3: working
Someone is working on
pr 1: merging
pr 1: merging
This pr is ready to be merged
pr 2: reviewing
pr 2: reviewing
Someone currently reviews the pr
pr 3:discuss
pr 3:discuss
This pull request needs to be discussed - either on github or on discord
priority 1: low
priority 1: low
This issue or pr has low priority
priority 2: medium
priority 2: medium
This issue or pr has medium priority
priority 3: high
priority 3: high
This issue or pr has a high priority
trouble 1: done in minutes
trouble 1: done in minutes
The bug or pr is ready in minutes
trouble 2: done in days
trouble 2: done in days
The bug or pr is ready in up to 1 day
trouble 3: done in weeks
trouble 3: done in weeks
The bug or pr is ready in up to 4 weeks
trouble 4: unknown
trouble 4: unknown
The bug or pr is ready in a long time