2605fa6 Create LICENSE
a5e85c4 Go format
300ade8 Merge pull request #1 from phith0n/add-license-1
45cf8e8 add AttrSourceFile and AttrConstValue attributes
3d01e5e add Github Action for tests
9fc848c add JDK8u20 gadget testcase
d04340a add Stream struct
7e698ee add ToString method for Object
7c5987d add all constant
682af4b add all ysoserial gadgets
f2b78e5 add cli interface && remove third-party log
a329c2b add constant method handle and type
ef65a62 add enum and fixed some bugs
580d9ed add license into README
c5abf37 add reference
f421d73 add release action
ab82c54 add some attributes
4db5c80 add some attributes
4de3afe add test
7852dbd add tests && resolve some bugs
53f17db add unittest for Hexify
9312b0a added constant class, string field
6f4f8af change ObjectInputStream to Serialization
2b88d64 change lint behavior
e35b3a1 custom go struct dump
6b02906 example code
508e314 export data attribute of TCBlockdata
071f95e feat: improve reference reading
1ad4ee9 fix format
1baa825 fix some bugs
4a6bf31 fix some words in manual
d2512be fix the string multiple format bug
9eb391b full change
65759cd hexdump the byte array instead of a long argly dumper
3980e17 hunman readable ClassDescFlags
a778194 improve efficiency for hexdump
e31d3bc improve testing for ysoserial payloads and JDK8u20 payload
89dcf6c initial
cd2fcda make ObjectStream implement io.ReadSeeker
bf1b640 make printer struct internal
7aaa22f make reference
5479d7b move Printer and Stream to the commons module
678be16 move serialization module to its own dictory
5b9d4af move util functions to commons module
25bb552 no longer use OrderdedMap in the ObjectStream
d984b85 parse Java classfile
b97cfe5 parse constant utf8, integer, long, float, double
c783bb8 parser for string
0c25660 parser interface and field
b9507f0 proxy class desc is now support
470f0e7 readInfo for AttrCode
3b9d18d remove OrderdedMap from project
6638e79 remove unused TCClassDesc
9537f38 remove unused \n
5b68073 remove unused command output
69c3bcc rename TCValue to humanize
47ea89e rename the tool namespace to zkar
65b27db show error message when error occured
e23510d simplify serialization package name
2d3b82c tcobject parser
dcd0e03 test passed for all ysoserial payloads
a3ff1ad update manual
05a9bee update manual
8879293 update manual
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