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Releases: pwatson100/alienrpg

2.1.1 Last release before FVTT V10

28 May 15:59
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New features and fixes:

  • Added Italian translation with thanks to Stefano1975t
  • Skill and attribute abbreviation on the Character and Synthetic Skills tab are now localised.
  • Agenda, Talent and Specialty items now set a default icon but can be changed as per a normal item..
  • Added Critical Injury table dropdown and roll button to the Creature sheets (See Creature section).
  • Added a "Homebrew" selection to the character and synthetic Career dropdowns.
  • Increased width of crew position dropdown on the vehicle sheet as it was compressed when using Firefox.
  • Rolling Piloting on the vehicle sheet now includes the Manoeuvrability modifier.
  • Fixed odd issue with weapons rolls on the vehicle sheet.
  • Corrected bug that sets Token Vision on creatures to "true".
  • Fixed issue with Armor rolls on the Inventory sheet for Synthetics.
  • Fixed issue with /em chat background colour.
  • Corrected issue with Maestro add-on not working for Vehicle weapons.
  • Corrected Radiation rolling issue when using languages other than English.
  • Fixed error with weight calculation for armour when in the foot locker.
  • Refactored Critical Injury code.

Updated Vehicle sheet and other improvements and fixes

31 Mar 11:59
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Added Max hull box to the vehicle sheet.
Added quantity to weapons sheets and actor inventory.
Added Radiation and Encumbrance Status icons to "Active Effects" to Synthetics.
Encumbrance now calculates correctly for items with a quantity >1.
Characters and Synthetics now have 20 xp dots.
Fixed issue with removing actors from the combat tracker.
Fixed issue with Condition icons not showing in Firefox.
Updated the Vehicle sheet to:

  • Allow Actors to be dropped on and assigned crew positions (Big thanks to @Stefouch for allowing me to "borrow" his code).
  • Pilot clicks (right click for modifiers) on "Piloting" on the crew tab to make piloting rolls (which include stress dice).
  • Clicking on a weapon will show a popup allowing those crew with "Pilot" or "Gunner" to be selected as well as any roll modifications.
  • Players making piloting or firing weapons can push rolls as normal and Stress dice will be applied to the PC.
  • Armor Rating is now rollable (same pop up as normal armor).
  • Inventory tab now includes the "Footlocker"

Changed Status icons to "Active Effects" and other enhancements

21 Feb 13:59
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Changed Status icons to "Active Effects" so they are persistent with the actor.
Added "Overwatch" checkbox to character and synth sheets which displays a status icon on the token.
Put Radiation markers back on the Synth sheet.
An Actor having Radiation damage will now show a status icon on the Token and will roll to see if there is any health damage.
If there is it must be applied manually I did not automate this in case there are any cures to be applied.
Tidied up the Character and Synthetic character sheets.

Item tab and Critical Injury enhancements and bug fixes

31 Jan 07:25
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Added tooltip to Stress button on character sheet.
Added "Take from Locker" to the inventory context menu.
Right or left clicking on the name of armor on the Inventory tab will now perform an Armor roll or show a modification chat box.
Added Quantity field to the following Item types: Data Storage,Diagnostics Display,Pharmaceuticals & Clothing.
Created Planets and Territories will now show the correct icon in the sidebar and token.
Corrected issue with selector background colour.
Right click on the "Roll Crit" button pops a dialogue box asking for the crit number (D66 for Character and D6 for Synth). This then rolls against the table, writes to chat and creates the item on the sheet as per normal.

Fixed issue with initiative cards not showing in chat when using FVTT V9.

26 Dec 15:02
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Fixed issue with initiative cards not showing in chat when using FVTT V9.

Foundry V9 Compatibility and other enhancements

23 Dec 13:54
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Foundry V9 Compatibility
Corrected issue with the Chat Panic Condition tooltip not showing the correct figures for Talent/Crit modifiers correctly.
Added Footlocker to the Inventory tab. Use the Context menu to select Footlocker. Right or left click on the item icon to remove from Footlocker.
Actors that are over Encumbered will now show a status icon (weight) on the token to let the player know they have reduced movement.
Added token status indicators for starving, dehydrated, exhausted and freezing.
New rolltable macros for V9 and they are now localized.

Fixed bug with Critical injuries not being created for users with the Starter set installed.

11 Oct 23:36
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Merge pull request #133 from pwatson100/Release-Testing

Fixed issue with Critical Injuries items not being created for users …

Automated Crit Item generation and configuration enhancements

01 Oct 11:32
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If you have the Core Rules or Starter set on rolling a Critical Injury for a PC or Synthetic the Critical Injury item will be automatically created and added to the actors sheet.
You will have to manually add any modifiers the injury has on the character to the tab modifiers tab on the injury item.
Added configuration option to not display the background image on Journal Entries.
Added configuration option to hide the facehugger background image from chat messages.
Added option to change the Journal font color. Please note that some of the font colors are baked into the modules journal settings so will not change.
Minor reformatting of the Character and Synthetic sheets.
Fixed bug with the setup running for players which was causing a permissions error message to appear.
Fixed an issue where the "First-Time-Setup complete" message kept displaying.

Bug fixes and QOL changes

12 Aug 12:06
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Corrected issue with Panic table not being created when missing.
DsN Theme now set to Black so no more pink d6 dice.
Armor Piercing (Armor halved) and Armor Doubled buttons now only show for weapon modifiers.
Corrected issue with Synthetics token health bar not working.
Corrected issue with mods for Synthetics.
Only approved items types can be dropped on to actor sheets (thanks to @Stefouch#5202 for the code)

QOL changes. added Critical Injuries as Items.

15 Jul 10:31
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Added Brazilian Portuguese translation with thanks to @DanCoimbra, @FranzWarm and @zorieuq360
Default Font change. Wallpoet is no longer the default font. I have added the OCR-A font as default which is a lot more readable.
Tidied up the Panic, Roll Crit and Creature Attack buttons. Will now use the language files for text.
Added new Item - "critical-injury"
Combat Tracker will now roll more than 10 initiatives. It's still capped at 10 and the new rolls will show as n.nn i.e. "3.17".
Removed Critical Injury text field from Character and Synthetic sheets.
Added ability to drag and drop Critical Injuries on to Character and Synthetic sheets.
Modifiers in the Critical Injuries items will effect rolls on Character and Synthetic actors.
Right clicking on Armor will give options for Armor Piercing (Armor halved) and Armor Doubled.
Sheet improvements for readability
CSS corrections for uniform colour changes.
Corrected issue wth planet-system creation.