Our website at sweetlakephp.nl!
Want to get involved with this project? See our issues (bug/feature) page.
As a coding style guide, we use the PSR-2 standard.
- Virtualbox
- Vagrant
- Ansible (minimal version 2.0)
- A fork of our Github repository
- A clone of your repository on your local machine
- A Meetup API key (you'll need an account at [meetup.com])
- OPTIONAL: a Twitter API key (for loading some tweets in the footer)
This is the Vagrant manual. We highly recommend using a virtual environment for development, but if you have a local webserver (or, you are subjected to cruel and unusual punishment and have to use Windows), you can find a more detailed description of the installation process:
In the project 'app' folders you will find a folder named 'config'. You must add a file called:
Simply copy the file parameters.yml.dist
to parameters.yml
Edit the file and make and following changes:
- Line 14: mailer_delivery_address, replace 'YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE' with your e-mail address.
- Line 22: meetup_api_key, replace 'ADD_YOUR_MEETUP_API_KEY_HERE' with your API key.
- Line 24-27: OPTIONAL add your twitter API key settings
This repository contains a Vagrantfile. This means that is uses Vagrant to automatically create a virtual machine on your system. Unfortunately, Ansible does not work that well with Vagrant on Windows, so don't even try unless you know what you're doing. Installing a local webserver is a lot less painful
Ansible Galaxy: In the root of the project, enter the command:
ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/ansible-galaxy.yml --force
Vagrant: In the root of the project, enter the command:
vagrant up
After the machine is created, Ansible is used to "provision" it. That just means all the necessary software is installed. It also takes care of the proper config files for the webserver.
Be patient, this process takes some time. Also, as part of the vagrant provisioning, a composer install is run. You do not have to run that manually.
The webserver is configured to listen to the hostname sweetlakephp.loc, so the url should be [http://sweetlakephp.loc]. You will need to add this line in your local hosts file (/etc/hosts on Linux and OS X, %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows). sweetlakephp.loc
At this time you should be able to browse to [http://sweetlakephp.loc]. Congratulations!
Go ahead and make some changes!
> ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts-production ansible/deploy.yml --limit prod-real --ask-vault-pass
Q: I get an nginx error saying "bad gateway"
A: Are you sure you remembered to perform step 1? Add your meetup API key!
Q: I see a very blank page with some content, but no styles.
A: Something went wrong with the final steps of the composer install
We have to add the assets to the web folder. That can be done with the following commands, but remember:
this must be done inside the vagrant box!
vagrant ssh
> cd /vagrant
> php app/console assets:install web --symlink
> php app/console assetic:dump
Revisit your browser and see if the website is fully loaded.
Q: I get an error during the Vagrant up command, but the Vagrant is now running.
A: You can try to run the provisioning part separately, with:
vagrant provision