The easiest way to do this is usually via (NVM)[].
(TODO: add Linux, Windows examples)
On Mac OS X, these commands should work:
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.zshrc
nvm install node
nvm use node
# If everything worked correctly, this should output the node version that was installed:
node --version
(TODO: need to update this if/when the repo moves!)
git clone
# git clone
cd website
npm install
This step is only required the very first time.
npm run build
npm run start
This will start a web server running just on your local machine; if you open a browser to http://localhost:8080, you should see your local copy of the ResBaz website.
TODO: basic git fork + commit + PR flow
TODO: where to find markdown
TODO: where to find HTML, how includes and _data work
TODO: Alpine, Tailwind stuff
TODO: build.yml
TODO: .eleventy.js