A demo app that uses Prediction.io node.js SDK.
- Install Preditcion.io server - instructions: http://docs.prediction.io/current/installation/index.html
- Install node.js - http://nodejs.org/
- Extract repo to some directory (ex.
) - Open cmd (windows) or terminal (mac)
- change directory to the project directory:
cd C:/pio_demo
- Install module dependencies
npm install
- Run the webapp server
node index
- Open your browser to
The demo has a 3-column interface: Users, Colors, and Recommendations
This simulates the typical prediction.io use case environment. In this case, we are simulating a community of users that have various color preferences. We want to present our users with color recommendations using Prediction.io.
In a real setup, colors would be something more useful - movies, music, places, etc. But this is a simplified sandbox to explore the functionality.
- Add new users by filling out the name text field, and clicking the [+]
- Add new colors by clicking the [+] next to Colors
- Click a user in the Users table to work with a particular user.
- Click colors to add them to the user's list of likes.
- Recommendations for the user are shown in the Recommendations column.
Built during UCOSP 2014 http://ucosp.ca/