Quickly convert emails to evernote notes with IFTTT and Google Apps Script
Inspired by Snoozever which unfortunately requires a paid Evernote subscription due to the reliance on the evernote email functionality. This also allows you to continue using snooze capability of Inbox as is. Custom tags/notebook are handled by the IFTTT recipe rather than the Apps script.
- Google Inbox
- Evernote
- Create an evernote account
- Create an IFTTT account
- Create a Google Apps Script
- Copy/paste Inbox2Evernote source
- Create a trigger "Every minute" for the script
- Create an IFTTT recipe like this one* with whatever notebook and tags you prefer.
- Create a Google Inbox folder/group called "Evernote")
- Send emails you want a note created for to the Evernote folder. The script will trigger the IFTTT reciped, creating a new note, and then move the email back to the inbox for you to handle. This behaviour can be easily changed by modifying the last line from
* Note that if you use the IFTTT Email trigger for other recipes you may need to modify this script to use the tagging trigger rather than the catch-all trigger used here.