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A 2d function plotter powered by d3

Function Plot is a small library built on top of D3.js whose purpose is to render functions with little configuration (think of it as a little clone of Google's plotting utility: y = x * x

The library currently supports interactive line charts and scatterplots, whenever the graph scale is modified the function is evaluated again with the new bounds, result: infinite graphs!

Have a look at the homepage for a detailed explanation on what the library is capable of


$ npm install --save function-plot


var d3 = window.d3
var functionPlot = require('function-plot');
  // options below


All the available options are described in the homepage


var functionPlot = require('function-plot');

instance = functionPlot(options)

params, All the params are optional unless otherwise stated

  • options
    • {string} the selector of the parent element to render the graph to
    • options.title {string} If set the chart will have it as a title on the top
    • options.xDomain {array} domain of the linear scale (used in the x axis)
    • options.yDomain {array} domain of the linear scale (used in the y axis)
    • options.xLabel {string} x axis label
    • options.yLabel {string} y axis label
    • options.disableZoom {boolean} true to disable drag and zoom on the graph
    • options.tip {object} configuration passed to lib/tip, it's the helper shown on mouseover on the closest function to the current mose position
      • options.tip.xLine {boolean} true to show a line parallel to the X axis on mouseover
      • options.tip.yLine {boolean} true to show a line parallel to the Y axis on mouseover
      • options.tip.renderer {function} Function to be called to define custom rendering on mouseover, called with the x and f(x) of the function which is closest to the mouse position (args: x, y)
    • options.annotations {array} An array defining parallel lines to the y-axis or the x-axis
      • options.annotations[i].x {number} x-coordinate of the line parallel to the y-axis
      • options.annotations[i].y {number} y-coordinate of the line parallel to the x-axis
      • options.annotations[i].text {string} text shown next to the parallel line
    • {array} required An array defining the functions to be rendered
      •[i].title {string} title of the function
      •[i].skipTip {boolean} true to avoid this function from being a target of the tip
      •[i].fn required {string} the function that represents the curve, this function is evaluated with values which are in range limiting the values to the screen min/max coordinates for x, i.e. at any given time the graph min/max x coordinates will limit the range of values to be plotted
      •[i].range {number[]} if given the function will only be evaluated with multiple values from this range
      •[i].samples {number} the fixed number of samples to be computed within the current domain ends
      •[i].implicit {boolean} true to creates samples for the function considering it implicit, it assumes that the function depends on the variables x and y
      •[i].secants {Object[]} Secants of[i].fn
        •[i].secants[j].x0 {number} The abscissa of the first point
        •[i].secants[j].x1 {number} (optional if updateOnMouseMove is set) The abscissa of the second point
        •[i].secants[j].updateOnMouseMove {boolean} (optional) True to update the secant line by evaluating[i].fn with the current mouse position (x0 is the fixed point and x1 is computed dynamically based on the current mouse position)
      •[i].derivative {Object} Info of the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x
        •[i].derivative.fn {string} The derivative of[i].fn
        •[i].derivative.x0 {number} The abscissa of the point which belongs to the curve represented by[i].fn whose tangent will be computed (i.e. the tangent line to the point x0, fn(x0))
        •[i].derivative.updateOnMouseMove {boolean} True to compute the tangent line by evaluating[i].derivative.fn with the current mouse position (i.e. let x0 be the abscissa of the mouse position transformed to local coordinates, the tangent line to the point x0, fn(x0))
      •[i].graphOptions {Object} options passed to the the files located in lib/type/ which plot the data generated by the library, the most useful property of this object is type which is used to determine the type of graph to be rendered for a function

Graph Options

  • options {Object}
    • options.type {string} type of graph, currently line, scatter and interval are supported, interval is the default option

Depending on the type option:

line, interval

  • options.closed {boolean} True to close the path, for any segment of the closed area graph y0 will be 0 and y1 will be f(x)


  • {string} equal to
  • instance.linkedGraphs {array} array of function-plot instances linked to the events of this instance, i.e. when the zoom event is dispatched on this instance it's also dispatched on all the instances of this array
  • instance.meta {object}
    • instance.meta.margin {object} graph's left,right,top,bottom margins
    • instance.meta.width {number} width of the canvas (minus the margins)
    • instance.meta.height {number} height of the canvas (minus the margins)
    • instance.meta.xScale {d3.scale.linear} graph's x-scale
    • instance.meta.yScale {d3.scale.linear} graph's y-scale
    • instance.meta.xAxis {d3.svg.axis} graph's x-axis
    • instance.meta.yAxis {d3.svg.axis} graph's y-axis
  • instance.root {d3.selection} svg element that holds the graph (canvas + title + axes)
  • instance.canvas {d3.selection} g.canvas element that holds the area where the graphs are plotted (clipped with a mask)


An instance can subscribe to any of the following events by doing instance.on([eventName], callback), events can be triggered by doing instance.emit([eventName][, params])

  • mouseover fired whenever the mouse is over the canvas
  • mousemove fired whenever the mouse is moved inside the canvas, callback params x, y (in canvas space coordinates)
  • mouseout fired whenever the mouse is moved outside the canvas
  • draw emit this event to redraw the contents of the canvas
  • zoom:scaleUpdate fired whenever the scale of another graph is updated, callback params xScale, yScale (x-scale and y-scale of another graph whose scales were updated)
  • tip:update fired whenever the tip position is updated, callback params x, y, index (in canvas space coordinates, index is the index of the graph where the tip is on top of)
  • all:mousemove same as mousemove but it's dispatched for all the linked graphs
  • all:zoom fired whenever there's scaling/translation on the graph, dispatched on all the linked graphs


After cloning the repo and running npm install

node site.js    // generate the examples shown on index.html
npm start

Open and that's it! Local development server powered beefy

Plain demo:


2015 MIT © Mauricio Poppe


2d function plotter powered by d3






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