This is the Matlab code used to analyse the data collected for my master thesis titled:
"A new approach to obtaining energy from tidal rise in coastal waters - a hydrodynamic analysis"
The goal of this thesis is to determine the theoretical feasibility of obtaining electrical energy from tidal rise using a water-driven turbine. As opposed to conventional tidal energy plants, where the air in the tank drives a turbine.
There is a planned biological research project in the Wadden Sea, which will require a continuous energy supply to run various sensors, cameras, and communication equipment. The energy demand is expected to fluctuate between 10 W and 50 W. It is the aim of this analysis to investigate whether this energy requirement can be fulfilled with a small-scale tidal energy plant.
Solar energy was considered, but was found insufficient during the winter months. Wind energy is available year round, but by itself not fully reliable as there may be extended periods of little or no winds or of strong winds. Also other methods have been explored with no fully satisfactory results to this point. A mixing of different energy sources is also a likely final solution.
Hence new innovative approaches are being explored like, for example, the buoy that generates energy out of current flow, or others still in progress.