Import layers from Sketch to Framer with states. Revolutionary way of semantic import makes iterations with Framer easy & productive.
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- Choose layers & run to import Framer Layers with selected States (or all States).
- Paste generated code from clipboard.
- Support points for code & auto-exporting images with required pixel density
- Relative layers: get coordinates to parent Artboard or parent Group
- Devices support: ready for Desktop/iOS/Android prototyping
Have you used a Keynote for prototyping? It’s quite the same but like you organize scene of slides in Sketch and create motion in Framer with a any logic you need.
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- Include layers in Scene by marking them exportable
- Generate scene for entire page or selected artboards
- Paste code into Framer and save project
- Custom code: expand generated prototypes with your own logic
- Reimport: your Custom code will be saved on reimport
- Create Framer project, choose device type and save it.
- Open plugin’s panel via Plugins/Framer Inventory/Show Panel
- Select the same device type on panel and you are ready!
You are welcome to suggest ideas and report bugs (ideally with sketch files included). For better communication I suggest using Github issues but you can ping @framerinventory on Twitter as well.