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Polybar Modules: network

ulises-jeremias edited this page Dec 31, 2023 · 3 revisions

Network Connection Module

The Network Connection module displays an icon representing the current network connection status. By default, a left click on the icon will invoke the networkmanager-dmenu utility, which provides a menu for managing network connections.


The Network Connection module allows you to quickly view the status of your network connection and easily access network management options.


The Network Connection module uses an icon to represent the network connection status. The appearance of the icon may vary depending on the state of the network connection (e.g., connected, disconnected, etc.).


The Network Connection module supports the following interaction:

  • Left Click: Invokes networkmanager-dmenu, a utility that provides a menu for managing network connections. You can use this menu to perform actions such as connecting to a network, disconnecting from a network, or configuring network settings.

Feel free to customize the Network Connection module according to your preferences and integrate it into your Polybar setup.