Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier implementation in Gleam.
What's a ULID? Some say it's a better UUID. In a string form it is shorter (26 characters vs. 32) and sortable.
- Only Erlang build target is supported (at the moment)
gleam add gulid
import gulid.{ new_as_string, new, new_monotonic, from_string_function,
to_string_function }
pub fn main() {
// Quick and dirty ULID string - performance implications
let ulid_str = new_as_string()
io.println("ULID is " <> ulid_str)
// Convert many ULIDs to String with a generator function
let to_string = to_string_function()
// `to_string_function` returns a function that then can be used to
// convert `Ulid` values to `String`. The reason this is done this way is
// that Gleam doesn't have a way to define module scoped global constants
// that could use function calls to initialize. Nor does it have module scoped
// `let`. Therefore, the only way to have a `private` reused value is to
// have it as a capture. So, there is a `let` in `to_string_function`, which
// binds an Erlang array with ULID character encodings, captured in returned
// function.
let bunch_of_ulids = list.map([new(), new(), new(), new(), new()], to_string)
io.println("A bunch of ULIDs:")
// Parse ULIDs from string
let from_string = from_string_function()
// Quick and dirty
let assert Ok(ulid) = from_string("01J9HSAQG7YR6Z16SS7ZTH26WQ")
io.println("Quick and dirty parsed ULID is")
// More proper
io.println("A more properly parsed ULID is")
case from_string("01J9HS6WA9ZBA045WTNYWAGPM5") {
Ok(ulid) -> {
Error(InvalidLength(error)) | Error(DecodeError(error)) ->
io.println("Oh, noes: " <> error)
// Monotonic ULIDs:
// 1. Generate initial `Ulid` with `new()`
// 2. Then use `new_monotonic(Ulid)` with initial and subsequently generated
list.range(0, 9) // We want 10 monotonic ULIDs
|> list.scan(new(), fn(ulid, _) { new_monotonic(ulid) })
// Convert'em to strings
|> list.map(to_string_function())
|> io.debug
In case one needs to create or outpur ULIDs out of
- predefined constituents (timestamp and random)
- binary representation
import gleam/erlang
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import gleam/result
import gleam/string
import gleam/bool
import gulid.{from_parts, from_tuple, to_parts, from_bitarray, to_bitarray}
pub fn main() {
let ulid =
io.println("My ulid made from spare parts:")
let #(timestamp, random) = to_parts(ulid)
io.println("Now, extracted its constituent timestamp and random:")
"\tTime: "
<> { system_time_to_rfc3339(timestamp / 1000) |> from_codepoints },
// io.debug(system_time_to_rfc3339(timestamp / 1000))
io.println("\tRandom: " <> int.to_string(random))
let same_ulid = from_tuple(#(timestamp, random))
io.println("Same ulids? " <> { bool.to_string(same_ulid == ulid) })
// Ulid from a binary
let assert Ok(bin_ulid) =
|> from_bitarray
io.println("Ulid from a bitarray: ")
// Ulid to a bitarray
io.println("Ulid to binary: ")
|> to_bitarray
|> io.debug
@external(erlang, "calendar", "system_time_to_rfc3339")
fn system_time_to_rfc3339(seconds_since_epoch: Int) -> List(Int)
fn from_codepoints(code_points: List(Int)) -> String {
|> list.map(string.utf_codepoint)
|> list.map(fn(res) {
let assert Ok(default_codepoint) = string.utf_codepoint(97)
result.unwrap(res, default_codepoint)
|> string.from_utf_codepoints
Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/gulid.
gleam run -m examples/example1 # Run the example one
gleam run -m examples/example2 # Run the example two
gleam test # Run the tests