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RDF‐star examples of profiles
Enrico Franconi edited this page May 31, 2024
26 revisions
In a concrete syntax (Turtle, in this document) there is the need to specify whether a reifier macro refers to a transparent triple or to an opaque triple. Here, we write a triple term within quotes to specify a reifier referring to an opaque triple, and a triple term without quotes to specify a reifier referring to a transparent triple. We assume RDF semantics.
PREFIX schema: <https://schema.org/>
PREFIX fraud: <http://example.org/ns/fraud/>
PREFIX : <http://example.org/ns/>
# Model
fraud:Account rdfs:subClassOf schema:StructuredValue .
fraud:transfer rdfs:domain fraud:Account ; rdfs:range fraud:Account .
fraud:amount rdfs:domain fraud:Transaction ; rdfs:range xsd:integer .
fraud:registered-at rdfs:domain fraud:Transaction ; rdfs:range schema:Dataset .
fraud:owner rdfs:domain fraud:Account ; rdfs:range schema:Person .
# Data
<< :e1 | ':account-123 fraud:transfer :account-456' >> a fraud:Transaction ;
fraud:amount 10000 ;
schema:datePosted "2002-09-24Z"^^xsd:date ;
fraud:registered-at <http://wikileaks.org/banking:panama-database> .
<< :e2 | ':account-123 fraud:transfer :account-456' >> a fraud:Transaction ;
rdfs:comment "Transaction not reliable due to contradictory data" ;
schema:datePosted "2002-10-11Z"^^xsd:date .
:account-123 fraud:owner :john .
:account-456 fraud:owner :mary ;
fraud:isBlocked true .
<< _:w1 | :liz :married _:h >> a :Marriage ; :starts 1964 .
<< _:w2 | :liz :married _:h >> a :Marriage ; :starts 1975 .
_:h owl:sameAs :richard .
<< _:w1 | :liz :married :richard >> a :Marriage ; :starts 1964 .
<< _:w1 | :richard :married :liz >> a :Marriage ; :ends 1974 .
_:x owl:sameAs _:y , :richard .
<< _:t1 | ':liz :married _:x' >> a rdf:TripleToken ;
:in-graph <http://example.com/weddings> ;
:stored-by :mary ;
:on-date "2020-03-12Z"^^xsd:date ;
rdfs:seeAlso <https://lasvegasnevada.gov/resource/t1> .
<< _:t2 | ':liz :married _:y' >> a rdf:TripleToken ;
:in-graph <http://example.com/weddings> ;
:stored-by :paul ;
:on-date "2020-03-13Z"^^xsd:date .
_:x owl:sameAs _:y , :richard .
<< _:t1 | :liz :married _:x >>
:in-graph <http://example.com/weddings> ;
:stored-by :mary ;
:on-date "2020-03-12Z"^^xsd:date ;
rdfs:seeAlso <https://lasvegasnevada.gov/resource/t1> .
<< _:t2 | :liz :married _:y >>
:in-graph <http://example.com/weddings> ;
:stored-by :paul ;
:on-date "2020-03-13Z"^^xsd:date .
⊨ << _:t1 | :liz :married :richard >> :stored-by :mary ; :stored-by :paul .
# graph 1
<< :w1 | :liz :married _:h >> a :Marriage ; :starts 1964.
<< :w2 | :liz :married _:h >> a :Marriage ; :starts 1975.
_:h owl:sameAs :richard .
<< :w1 | :richard :married :liz >> a :Marriage ; :ends 1974 .
# graph 2
<< :w2 | :richard :married-in :las-vegas >> :best-man :jim-benton .
<< :w2 | :liz :married-on 1975 >> :location :las-vegas .
:w2 :groom :richard .
:w2 :bride :liz .
<< _:w3 | :bill-clinton :related-to :hillary-rodham >> :starts 1975 .
<< _:w3 | :42nd-potus :husband :1st-female-NY-senator >> :starts 1975 .
PREFIX lvn: <https://lasvegasnevada.gov/resource/>
<< lvn:t1 | ':liz :married :richard' >> a :TripleToken .
lvn:t1 :added-in lvn:rdf-registry ; :stored-by :john .
lvn:t1 :on-date "2006-03-12Z"^^xsd:date .
lvn:t1 :provenance lvn:database-1975-123973q2 .
<< lvn:c1 | :liz :married :richard >> a lvn:WeddingCertificate .
lvn:c1 lvn:wedding-starts 1975 .
<< lvn:c2 | :liz :married :richard >> a lvn:WeddingCertificate .
lvn:c2 lvn:wedding-starts 1964 .
<< lvn:c3 | :liz :married :richard >> a lvn:WeddingCertificate .
lvn:c3 lvn:wedding-starts 1971 .
lvn:c1 :printed-on "2020-10-11Z"^^xsd:date .
lvn:c2 :printed-on "2021-03-12Z"^^xsd:date .
lvn:c3 :printed-on "2021-03-12Z"^^xsd:date .
<< _:s1 | :paul :loves :mary >> a :Fact ; :uttered-by :john .
<< _:s2 | :paul :loves :mary >> a :Fact ; :confuted-by :paul .
:john :believes
<< _:s1 | << [] | :liz :spouse :richard >>
:starts 1964 >> .
:s1 :certified-by :us-census .
:paul :believes
<< _:s2 | << [] | :liz :spouse :richard >>
:starts 1955 >> .
a. Alice publishes the following graph as <alice.ttl>
<#w1> rdf:annotationOf <<( :liz : married :richard )>> .
<#w1> :year 1964 .
<#w2> rdf:annotationOf <<( :liz : married :richard )>> .
<#w2> :year 1975 .
b. Bob publishes the following graph as <bob.ttl>
<#w64> rdf:annotationOf <<( :liz :married-in 1964 )>> .
<#w64> :groom :richard .
c. Charlie notices that Alice and Bob are talking about the same wedding, and states
<alice.ttl#w1> owl:sameAs <bob.ttl#w64>.
From there, Charlie infers that
<<( :liz : married :richard )>> owl:sameAs <<( :liz :married-in 1964 )>>.
<alice.ttl#w1> rdf:annotationOf <<(:liz :married-in 1964 )>> ; :year 1975.
<< :e | :s1 :p1 :o1 >> :p :o .
<< :e | :s1 :p1 _:x >> :p :o .
<< :e | ':s1 :p1 :o1' >> :p :o .
does not entail
<< :e | ':s1 :p1 _:x' >> :p :o .
Summary of the RDF-star WG wiki.
- Editor's guide
- Meeting minutes
- RDF terminology
- Scribes
- Use Cases collection
- RDF-star syntax and semantics:
- RDF-star "liberal baseline" (current version - as in RDF Semantics deliverable)
- RDF-star "alternative baseline" (VOTED 2024.11.14 - deprecated)
- RDF-star "minimal baseline" (VOTED 2024.07.18 - frozen - superseded by vote 2024.11.14 - deprecated)
- RDF-star "working baseline" (working version - deprecated)
- RDF‐star baseline examples
- RDF-star and LPGs
- Extending the baseline with "asserted" stuff
- systems and acronyms
- Task forces
- Text Direction considerations
- Text Direction Proposal
- Triple‐Edge-subgroup-proposals