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Ansible Role: docker

Galaxy Role MIT licensed CI

Install and configure Docker for Linux.

This role can optionally install the following components:

  • Docker compose (version 2)
  • Docker pip package
  • Nvidia container runtime

To install Docker compose, set docker_compose_install to true. This will install the compose package from the Docker repo, or Arch repo for Arch Linux. You can optionally install compose directly from Github by setting docker_compose_install_github to true (be sure to set docker_compose_install to false in this case). This installs the binary package directly from the upstream repo. The Debian/Ubuntu package sometimes lags behind, so use this if you need the latest compose version.

The docker pip package can be installed by setting docker_pip_install to true. This will also install pip if not found. The docker Python package can be useful for building containers with Ansible.

The Nvidia container runtime/toolkit can be installed by setting docker_nvidia_install to true. This allows containers to access GPUs for accelerated tasks, such as video transcoding/encoding/decoding. For Arch Linux, the Nvidia packages are located in the AUR. The AUR helper yay will be installed if not found. yay will then build the necessary Nvidia packages.


Using Ansible Galaxy: ansible-galaxy install wesmarcum.docker


Ansible collections:

  • kewlfft.aur. Used for installing the Nvidia container runtime from the AUR. Arch Linux only.

Role Variables

Variable Name Default Value Description
docker_edition 'ce' Edition to install. Can be 'ce' or 'ee'. Note that 'ee' requires a custom URL.
docker_repo_url "" Base repo for docker packages.
docker_arch amd64 Package architecture to use.
docker_users empty List of users to add to the docker group. Warning: This grants elevated permissions.
docker_ipv4_network "" IPv4 default bridge network.
docker_ipv6_network "fd0a:0001:0002:0003::/64" IPv6 default bridge network.
docker_storage_driver "overlay2" Default storage driver.
docker_release_channel "stable" Release channel for Debian/Ubuntu. Append 'nightly' or 'test' if you like to live dangerously.
docker_nvidia_install false Install the Nvidia container runtime/toolkit.
docker_nvidia_experimental false Enable experimental Nvidia packages for Debian/Ubuntu.
docker_compose_install false Install Docker Compose package from the repo.
docker_compose_install_github false Install the latest version of Docker Compose from Github.
docker_compose_arch "docker-compose-linux-x86_64" Compose architecture to use when installing from Github.
docker_pip_install false Install pip and the 'docker' Python package.
docker_daemon_configuration see defaults/main.yml A dictionary of configuration items for the Docker daemon. Override in playbook if needed.
docker_nvidia_configuration see defaults/main.yml Nvidia container runtime configuration for the Docker daemon.

Example Playbook

Minimal playbook:

    - hosts: all
        - role: wesmarcum.docker

A list of users to grant access to the Docker daemon can be provided with the docker_users variable. This permits users to run Docker commands without root, but it does grant elevated access to the host. Use with "trusted" users only. Additional components can be installed as shown below:

    - hosts: all
        - role: wesmarcum.docker
              - myuser
            docker_ipv4_network: ""
            docker_ipv6_network: "fd0a:0001:0002:0003::/64"
            docker_nvidia_install: true
            docker_compose_install: true
            docker_pip_install: true


OS Version
Arch Linux all
Debian 10, 11, 12
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04



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