awsping is a command line tools that reports median latency to Amazon Web Services regions. It is a fork of gcping.
awsping [options...]
-n Number of requests to be made to each region.
By default 10; can't be negative.
-c Max number of requests to be made at any time.
By default 10; can't be negative or zero.
-t Timeout. By default, no timeout.
Examples: "500ms", "1s", "1s500ms".
-top If true, only the top region is printed.
-csv CSV output; disables verbose output.
-v Verbose output.
An example output:
$ awsping
1. [ap-northeast-1] 50.247016ms
2. [ap-northeast-2] 95.119512ms
3. [ap-southeast-1] 164.324225ms
4. [ap-southeast-2] 234.137157ms
5. [us-west-1] 235.008422ms
6. [us-west-2] 269.134435ms
7. [ap-south-1] 279.4312ms
8. [us-east-2] 350.404548ms
9. [ca-central-1] 377.65043ms
10. [eu-west-3] 505.165611ms
11. [eu-west-2] 515.169295ms
12. [eu-central-1] 518.303886ms
13. [eu-west-1] 535.08608ms
14. [eu-north-1] 575.339622ms
15. [sa-east-1] 616.53445ms
Download right binary (ie, your OS & Arch ) from release URL
# Linux 64-bit: Download
mv awsping_linux_amd64 awsping && chmod +x awsping
# Mac 64-bit: Download
mv awsping_darwin_amd64 awsping && chmod +x awsping
# Windows 64-bit: Download
mv awsping_windows_amd64 awsping && chmod +x awsping
Or, you can always build the binary from the source code like this:
$ git clone
$ cd awsping
$ make
$ tree bin
├── awsping_darwin_amd64
├── awsping_linux_amd64
└── awsping_windows_amd64
git clone [email protected]:yokawasa/awsping.git
cd awsping
# Build an image for awsping
docker build -t awsping .
# Run a container from the image
docker run awsping
An expected output would be like this
docker run awsping
1. [ap-northeast-1] 64.78122ms
2. [ap-northeast-2] 120.090306ms
3. [ap-southeast-1] 196.696755ms
4. [ap-southeast-2] 270.307861ms
5. [us-west-1] 282.509427ms
6. [us-west-2] 288.904962ms
7. [ap-south-1] 304.264519ms
8. [ca-central-1] 387.60596ms
9. [us-east-2] 403.486606ms
10. [eu-west-2] 519.859119ms
11. [eu-west-3] 538.331689ms
12. [eu-west-1] 540.284261ms
13. [eu-north-1] 559.508794ms
14. [eu-central-1] 563.902069ms
15. [sa-east-1] 618.09713ms
By your pushing tag, GitHub trigger the GitHub Actions Release workflow where
- The project is checkout and build in multi-SO & Architecture
- Release each artifact to release URL in the repository
This is how you trigger the workflow
git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "Version awsping-v0.0.1"
git push --tags
See the workflow for the detail