Releases: Zal0/ZGB
Releases · Zal0/ZGB
- Updated to gbdk-4.1.0
- Better usage of WRAM between sprites and bg tiles. Now the full memory can be used
- Background map, window and Fonts can have their tiles coming from different sources (gbms or pngs)
- Added macro INIT_HUD to simplufy HUD initialization (there is a new page on the wiki showing how it works)
- Palettes for sprites and tiles are automatically loaded and reused. Loading 2 sprites with the same palette will make them share the same palette. The same thing will happen loading a font that uses a palette already loaded by the background map or the window
- Added savegame support
- Bugfixes and docs (as usual)
- Added option to keep the music playing between states
- Added the posibility to use fonts with just numbers
- Fixed compilation issues when Debug or Release folders were not present
- Fixed desynchronization between scroll and sprites
- Sprites are now hidden under the window
- Music updates will no longer break user interrupts (thanks Toxa !!)
- Added support for SGB borders
- Added configuration for VS Code including support for Debugging C code under emulicious (thanks Calindro !!)
- Updated to gbdk-4.0.5
- Sprite vs Background has been rewritten and now supports offscreen collisions (repeating the last tile on column or row)
- Fixed memory overflow when cleaning up SpriteManager
- Added properties to metasprites (SPRITE_SET_PALETTE working again)
- Improved VS intellisense
- Makefile dependencies are now generated using SDCC, which is a bit faster
Important note: please make sure to remove .meta from your project .gitignore!!!
- Added install.bat that will create ZGB_PATH automatically
- Added hUGETracker support while also keeping gbt-player
- Added support for metasprites, even with color
- removed old fixed sprites sizes: 8x16, 16x16 and 32x32
- added gbr2png to allow exporting data from gbtd
- added support for directly exporting pngs into sprites
- added new collision system
- added support for all mirror modes: vflip, hflip and hvflip
- added support for native sprite sprite size 8x8
- GBC palette loading made automatic
- removed pngb and now using png2asset to export backgrounds in png fully supporting gbc
- Added auto-banking support thanks to bankpack
- Loading sprites on demand
- Fixed access to uninitialized ram and other exceptions
- Simplified code for states initialization
- Updated to gbdk 2020 v4.0.2
- The folder env is now included on the release, so installation is easier
Upgrade notes:
Please make sure you delete these folders: Release, Debug, ReleaseColor, DebugColor and res/src
- Updated to gbdk 2020 v3.1.1 which prevents a few accesses to inaccessible VRAM
- Generating .sym and .map files on makefiles
- Integrated romview in the build process
- Several fixes that were causing bank0 to grow up when declaring states/sprites, adding new tiles/maps
- Updated to gbdk 2020 v3.1.1 (banked functions are usable now)
- Improved Frame drawing performance
- Improved sprite/sprite collision performance
- Several other performance fixes
- InitScroll loads tiles automatically, InitScrollTiles is no longer needed
- Added pngb to env package