Reproducing the simulation study investigating the impact of autocorrelated camera trap detections on occupancy models by Goldstein et al.
The files in this repository are organized into the following directories:
code_casestudy - contains code files for running the case study with SnapshotUSA detection histories
code_helper - contains code files not meant to be called directly, which load in helper functions for use in simulations and
code_simulations - contains scripts to execute the four simulation studies and to summarize and visualize the results of those simulations
input_data - contains the SnapshotUSA detection histories used in the case study
intermediate - catches intermediate files created during code execution, and is empty to begin with.
plots - contains the data visualizations in the manuscript and supplemental materials
results_tables - contains the results output by the original simulation and case studies, for use without re-running all analyses
Each subdirectory contains a file detailing the code and data files contained.