Sparkify DataBase is designed to effeciently retrieve information about artist, there songs, and details related to it. All the sparkify database was available in a non-effecient file based system. For this purpose we built a pipeline to transfer all the data in SparkifyDB.
Star Schema is used to build this database. Songplays table is used as a Fact table and other tables users, songs, artists and time were acting as Dimension Tables expalining detailed information about each fact.
We extract data for songs and related logs from the following directories:
From songs data we have transformed our data to fit in songs and artists table From log_data we have transformed our data to fit in time and users data Information from log_data and other tables were used to build the songsplays table
All the data from directories is transferred to PostgreSQL database
In order to run the project from the scratch run the following commands from your terminal:
In case, you have already created your tables and just want to add new data use only the second command.